
GIRL. All we want is a trigger warning. But you know that already, because multiple people including myself have explained it to you. You’re conspicuously the only one showing a lack of empathy here.

On a women’s site we ought to be able to hold a reasonable blanket expectation of trigger warnings on graphic descriptions of— at the very fucking least— sexual violence. Idc whether it’s a comment on a post soliciting readers’ true scary stories or not. The onus is misplaced if you’re putting it on the triggered

By this logic could you not have stopped reading and scrolled on past this comment thread when you first realized you might find it offensive? I’m told reading is interesting that way.

Nvm, I found it. Thanks to you I knew to scan first. From key words and phrases alone I can tell it’s both a horrific and horrifically triggering story. :( all around.

I’m so sorry to bring this up again, but I’m wondering if you remember how the story starts, or what the OP’s avatar looked like or anything else that makes the comment easily identifiable?

***Possibly* attributable to unresolved trauma, I should have said.

You’re not wrong! It was simply your choice of words that got me, looking at comments after reading the original source. And I assume the majority of readers don’t click through the majority of links. My annoyance ought to have been directed at Rich, though, for framing things as he did.

Uh...If it makes you feel better, it sounds like that’s exactly what happened to her? Over and over. Between the ages of 6 and 14.

the victim isn’t...

Depending on where LW is and her household income, there may even be free legal services available to her via a Family Law “Self-Help Clinic” / “Resource Center” in her local courthouse, Legal Aid organization, or a regularly scheduled law school/pro bono attorney-run clinic. These places typically stop short of

i’m always incredulous when internet commenters say things like “omg hahaha you just caused me to spit out my coffee!” because who actually does that, but this comment actually caused me to do just that. joke’s on me, i guess (jk, it’s still on gary “fighting polish” victor). cool story and i’ll see myself out!

It’s downright eerie how closely my history mirrors yours. And very, very sad.