You should wear it as a symbol that you overcame your oppressors. Like when the allies took a bunch of souvenirs from Hitlers houses. "Fuck you Hitler, I'm eating on your dinner plate, how you like me now?!?!"
You should wear it as a symbol that you overcame your oppressors. Like when the allies took a bunch of souvenirs from Hitlers houses. "Fuck you Hitler, I'm eating on your dinner plate, how you like me now?!?!"
Hai Guys and Dolls,
Microsoft has been using Segoe since 2004... I should know... I worked there.
Looks like a water bed!
This is still one of my favorite movies of all time. Timothy Dalton = Best Villain EVER!
My fluids are leaking!!!
Think of all the poor whales that will get blasted in to the stratosphere!
What sort of skills do you possess? How handy are you with a samurai sword?
If it's brown flush it down, if it's yellow let it mellow.
They end up on an island... that already has other people on it...
How are the pitot tubes on it?
If you are bored at work, well you are basically F'd. There is nothing you can do to get unbored. You may need to find a new job, or weigh the pros and cons of staying.
Shut your face! You can't use logic against apple fanboys!!!
I thought the sun would be smaller.
Every single bullet ever created has obviously been fired in the first years of the blackout. Now it is virtually impossible to manufacture new one's without electricity.