
This has been a good month... for SCIENCE!

That's crazy, I had no idea she was married to Les Wiseman AND she was with Michael Sheen who was in Underworld 1 with her and directed by Les Wiseman who she subsequently left Sheen for after being directed in said movie. SCANDAL!

Is Kate Beckinsale contracted to wear black pleather in all her movies? Not that there's anything wrong with that!

As long as they don't have Shia LeBuff as son of Jones I would be fine with a 5th movie. He's the worst, just the worst.

Hey, I saw that movie!

Uh oh, I've just found out how I am going to spend the rest of my time at work today. Thanks for the link!

What about the moon? Where would it go? What would it do? Who would tuck it in at night?

Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, and multiply it by the probable rate of failure, B, then multiply the result by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X... if X is less than the cost of a recall, don't do one.

I like it, and my wife likes it... which is saying something because she's not in to sci-fi stuff at all. But Grendel is right, it's sort of schmaltzy family drama in places. But all in all it's pretty decent. Try it out!

Can't go wrong with a little C# and some jQuery.

I always hoped that if there was going to be an end to life on this planet I would live to see it.

I think we should build a massive deep underground facility where the entire population of the US can survive in case of an asteroid. Then once it's all over we can come out and have the whole world to ourselves. I call Finland!

You always were an asshole Gorman.

Everything after The Fragile (Left Disc) is crap.

When I first watched the show I hated that theme song. Then about 6 episodes in I absolutely loved it... it definitely grows on you!

I think we just need to put them all on an island and have them race cars tricked out with machine guns and rocket launchers.

A lot of the laptops you buy now come with a $12 upgrade to Windows 8.

For an English project in high school I wrote a song about Farenheit 451. It had such classic lines as "I am Montag the fireman, I burn books in a garbage can."

Deadwood in space... why does that sound familiar? I've got the perfect theme song for it:

At least we can all agree Alien Resurrection chapped our asses!!!