
I’m not a VN guy but I did enjoy putting a few hours into VA-11 Hall-A. Even before you mentioned it, it seems eerily similar, but with orcs and coffee instead of a futuristic theme and booze. Is there anything that makes it stand apart? Something that gives it its own personality other than just being a VA-11 Hall-A

One problem I always have is that when an anime has a foreign character or a half Japanese character, they mostly look the same. I clearly remember a scene from Ouran High School where the main character didn’t realize one of her friends was not Japanese - the only difference was that he was blond, but there was

All of these comics suck. I say drop them all!

Because it’s not as simple as it sounds, not when the community still wants to keep the grassroots, community feel. We can’t just implement any sort of solution willy nilly. Crowd interaction is still a bit part of the genre after all (for example we had Razer’s Latif bodysurfing between sets back at Evo 2011). This

I’m surprised your surprised this isn’t more common. Not everyone in the world is a complete asshole, like dude in the green shirt.

Some unknown walking up and trying to give advice isn’t a commonplace occurrence though. Common sense should tell you that you shouldn’t just walk up to someone competing who isn’t someone you’re close to, to “give them advice”. That should be reserved for their actual friends, or people they know (such as most of the

Well, it’s not the community’s fault that Chris is haunted by the Ghosts of Marvel Past, Present, and pretty soon likely Future.

That never really has been an FGC thing. The thinking has always been that the players on stage are just “one of us”.

If it were the cover of a Marvel comic, this site would be calling for the artist’s resignation.

In sorry but that sailor moon is just really ugly to me. The anatomy alone, what is up with those heels.

It isn’t the responsibility of consumers to market a game to themselves. No one has a responsibility to research this game before deciding not to buy it.

Fairness of the controller nothing, if they’re insisting on using malfunctioning controllers and refusing to use the majority of in-game arenas, you KNOW there’s a problem.

(while using a rigged controller)

You’re calling someone a “god” who relies on a glitchy controller and can’t compete with a normal controller. That pretty much cancels out the “god” status, as an actual god player could still play the game with a normal controller.

> “I don’t play overwatch to work, I do that all day. I play overwatch to have fun “

Well, there’s your first problem: You’re an idiot.

The idea of fun is subjective. Your notion of placing structured play in opposition of “fun” is downright ridiculous.

Look, I legit get where you’re coming from. I know it’s just a game. But you don’t show up to pick up basketball game and chuck up contested 3 balls, all the while scoring only a couple of them, and expect your team to be like “Haha, yeah, fuck us, right? You do you.” You CAN do that, but everyone is going to call you

As someone who considers himself a fairly level headed overwatch player, i hate the meta mentality. I find it bullyish and narrow minded. I much prefer to commend genuine strategization over blindly following a paint by numbers min-max chart. If you like playing Hanzo, I encourage you to play him as much as you can.

You’re going to give this piece of shit that pleasure? The guy just said, “I play what I want in this game. Go fuck yourself teammates.” and you want to ask his opinions?

Then the game isn’t for you. Find a different one. This game is for people who want to use teamwork to win. If you don’t like teamwork, leave, because you’re ruining other peoples’ games.

Maybe fuck meta, especially in quickplay, but you still need some team structure or you’re just going to be stuck at the first choke every match.