
I hate how charming she’s trying to be when it’s clear she’s a fucking ghoul.

It blows my mind that she transitioned from a FUCKING WHITE HOUSE POSITION to a reality show to a talk show interview with literally no gaps in between. What a fucking joke this country has become.

Watched this with girlfriends parents and her brother and his wife. All of them NRA, trumptards, except my GF. They kept yelling trumpublican and nra talking points every time a kid would speak. Was brutal. All were in agrreement....”If I had a gun I would’ve shot him in a second.” “Need more guns in school!”

Hell, in the 15th century, cities like Florence had numerous licensed brothels. Those were the days*!

jesse, i’m sorry you had to watch this.

The entire Star Wars universe makes much more sense if you assume they have gravity in space. Honestly, Leia’s exposure to the vacuum was the first time they ever explicitly said in the films that there wasn’t any air out there.

Leia Poppins was weird not because she could fly, but because she could stay alive in space without a space suit.

Why is dropping bombs in zero gravity bad? Star Wars has never had time for Newtonian physics, every ship has unexplained artificial gravity, and it has always done space combat on a horizontal plane (i.e. all ships spend the majority of the battle the same way up), but “dropping” bombs somehow breaks your sense of

Well, wolverine did still go badass mode and killed a bunch of people, plus dropped numerous f bombs. Maybe if Luke had decapitated someone with his light saber and said go fuck yourself, Kylo, people wouldn’t be so upset.

Well like I said, Grumpy Luke didn’t bother me. I was more put off by plot holes, repeated stupid decision-making by multiple characters that could be totally avoided if they just talked to each other, cheesy acting, cheap sets, and preposterous shit like Leia Poppins, “dropping” bombs in zero gravity, and space

I mean, it’s not the only film that had a protagonist from an already established work that become a jaded old man only to be given renewed hope by a female student and sacrifice himself for the next generation that came out in 2017.

Yes. Time traveling Obama created the Bush recession, blackly defeated the hero McCain (and Sarah!) in a very black way - then went on to oppress those poor white people by saving the economy and giving them health care - blackily.

Meh. In the original Aladdin the guys she spurned were also Persian. They could have given a Persian actor a job with this role.

Did Gods of Egypt teach nothing?

I’m confused. Did the recession that occurred under Bush make them racist? Did they think Trump was running against Obama? Do they know The Right is anti-union?

His old buddy Steve Bannon is already waiting for him under an overpass, alternating between bottle of Colt 45 and his own cock.

“I bet you hate that.”

“There are about a million songs with this underlying structure.”

He’s so fucking stupid.

There is only one chess strategy that Trump knows...flip the board over when his opponent makes the first move.

And we’d have some sort of pun thread about Wolff’s name, and in the even older days we’d have an author/subject/body joke.