El Raton

My wife loves the top sheet, my kids hate it. Me? Well, my wife tends to roll everything aside, so I actually cover myself with pillows, which keep you warm but are so spongy that they don’t get uncomfortably hot.

Well, most incidents in aviation happen during take off or landing. I’d even dare to say that over 99% of plane crashes happen during landing.

If someone asked me, I’d say it’s just hispanic influence. I can’t get my head around saying ‘take 95’, because in Spanish you say ‘toma la carretera 95’, where carretera is implied and you just say ‘toma la 95’. I could get used to it, but ‘the 95’ seems as normal to me as ‘the Belt’. The name is the number.

In Mexico city most people is not polite. But for those of us who try to, a short horn or two is used for thanks, very short as in just knocking on the wheel. Flashing your lights works too. I quickly turn off and on my lights when yielding on an intersection, or flash long lights if I’m not yielding, because there

Two hours! Man, I’m lucky if I can get two hours a week in 10-15 minute periods. I used to play on my commute, but now I work from home, so I get to play Breath of the Wild on the Wii U. I used to finish Zelda games in a week when I was a kid, but this one will take me like a year.

If it was a MLB joke, then I wouldn’t get the joke because I don’t find any enjoyment in or understand the legality of the barbaric sport of Major League Baseball. It could have easily been changed to Giants/Patriots, or Giants/Jaguars, that way you’re not changing it to some other act of shady migration issues,

You need to enforce the policy, Drew.

Casi siempre que el avión se estrella es durante la maniobra de aterrizaje, ¿qué no?

Suena útil si te pasa que el lugar donde te reunes con tus amigos para pasarles cosas via AirDrop está justo en el rango donde te conectas a la red WiFi pero es taaaaan leeeentaaaaa. A mí me pasa.

¡Desde luego que el del cocodrilo sólo podía ser en Australia!

I think the head rule is simple: if your heads collide, then it’s a penalty. Do whatever you have to do to avoid that. He did engage from the front and without the head, but the receiver was surprised and it looks like his neck goes a bit too limp and their heads collide. He should’ve lowered his head and turned to

That’s one sick video, and I’m sure it took more than a couple of days, because it explains so much stuff so clearly.

No especifican que se trata de 2 mil dólares al mes, no a la semana. Aún así es un dineral, ¿a dónde mando mi resumé/CV?

I like cars, but I’m more of a fix-computers type than a fix-cars type. Yet I have a story to share.

Ok, entonces la diferencia es que con mis neumáticos baratos me voy a aburrir mucho cuando esté derrapando a 150+ km/h. Menos mal, pensé que podía ser algo importante.

I always thought they were pranking late night drive throughs.

Best time to play a game is when you catch Overwatch’s anniversary discounts, or when you get the HotS 2.0 rewards.

Yeah, literally.

Pero los seguimos construyendo porque los perros los usan.

I feel the Cars franchise is hit and miss because it feels too niche if you’re not into cars. I saw 1 & 2 and had a laugh, but my wife and kids are not into cars nor into racing, so most of the humor and the excitement just flies by them.