El Raton

No dije que lo hicieras, trato de agregar contraste al contexto.

¿Buen historial crediticio? Honestamente no tengo idea de qué se necesita en México para conseguir una tasa de interés remotamente decente. Veo en Jalopnik que hablan de tasas de interés anual de 3% y 4%; yo recién compré un Toyota y la tasa de 10% anual es la mejor tasa que he escuchado hablando con conocidos con

Or when the compass works. It never ever works for me. Didn’t work in two Android phones, doesn’t work in an iPhone 5S. It works fine in every other app.

I don’t mind being trash-talked because I know that I can always push forward my skills, and that the best comeback is a win.

Hupkonzerts are common in Mexico when the crowd from a sports event is marching towards public transportation. Buses and cars will honk “beep beep bibibeep” when they support the team, or “beep bibibeep beep” if they don’t. The later one is also used when cops are trying to redirect transit overriding the semaphores

They didn’t say “man, you look like a man, no can do”, they just requested a passport. I don’t care if people undergoes gender reassignment, just like I don’t care if people chews gum or whatever; but using a case like this to claim gender inequality or discrimination is not helping. The case should be used to promote

I think the problem with playoffs is that it doesn’t promote winning as much as the league does. The problem with leagues is that the leader can make a huge advantage and lock the championship weeks before the end.

Because of how the system is arranged, there exists the mathematical possibility of making the playoffs and being relegated anyways.

I don’t think lookahead is much worse than it was in MKDD, which had some 720 curves, narrow tunnels, turns with walls inside and whatnot.

Overrated or not, they didn’t do any better.

Man, I was heartbroken too when my dad sold the old VW bug, back when I was 4.

It’s not surprising that poop videos exists out there, the surprise comes from the AMOUNT. Maybe there are only 23? That’s surprising.

This is not new, not even for a racing game. Diddy Kong Racing had tracks with separate music sections, like Haunted Woods and Boulder Canyon. And we all remember the overworld music in Ocarina of Time. And I’m pretty sure it happens in other tracks as well.

Most of the time the area of interest is horizontal and in the middle, so vertical video actually wastes area. The player should have zoom, to make it look like the gif at the top. My monitor is 4:3, so I’m always a mismatch for 16:9 or 9:16.

Trump is like a Nintendo Switch with non-removable controls and no wireless capability.

La vocalización a la que se refiere el artículo no es la voz interior, sino una articulación imaginaria de los músculos necesarios para leer en voz alta. ¿Han visto alguna vez a personas que mueven los labios mientras leen en silencio? Mucha gente mueve la boca, y mucha gente imagina que mueve la boca. Y eso

I’m sure I did RTFA, but I can’t even remember it by the time I’m commenting. And I don’t remember playing any football.

Car stereos still have knobs. But most are endless, which is almost as bad as not having a knob.


Funny how Machado hurries to help Pedroia up, but then he notices how phony this was, and makes sure to keep a foot on the bag, in case Pedroia pulls off some sneaky tag.