El Raton

A very surprising number of recent college grads would also fail if you asked them to read aloud and then explain what they just read.

La primera vez que vi esa escena fue cuando era un niño y no entendí nada, jajaja

Oh, come on! That was not a “huge blow”. The Vikings literally dropped the game by dropping big passes, including a TD one.

Making a weeks-long/permanent hospital stop before you reach your destination and stalling everyone else’s commute for 2+ hours... how can that be fast?

Maybe Idle Motor City?

I’m thinking Mario Kart ghost here, but would obviously only work on a certain track. Seems kinda useful.

‘Not always’? Shouldn’t that be ‘always not’? Is that some idiomatic weirdness or do they actually mean that there exists a button-up that is also able to be considered a button-down via some other means (velcro? sewn-down?)?

When I first heard the term ‘onside kick’, I thought of exactly that. Maybe nobody explained him the rule?

Now playing

Well, yeah, it’s hard to do worse than that.

Netflix nunca ha ofrecido tener todas las películas posibles al mismo tiempo. Sigue siendo bajo demanda, nadie te está presionando. Nada más que para fin de año en lugar de ver Spy Kids tendrás que conformarte con Civil War.

Patrañas, esto no es sinestesia. El artículo original está tras un paywall, pero el abstract no menciona la sinestesia. Según la explicación de sinestesia dada en el artículo, la sinestesia consiste en estímulos sensoriales que disparan estímulos en otros sentidos, como conocer el sabor, el olor, el color, la textura

As a diehard Cowboys fan, I don’t think Tony is that bad. His numbers come from actual game time, not garbage time. He’s made several saves, his memory should be sweeter than Danny White’s and I believe he deserves a ring, even if it’s as a backup for Prescott. I think he would’ve done better if he could remain

Man, Drew Bledsoe sucked!

I just checked the rules aaaaand... well, I believe the kicker could’ve made a “oh shit” face but Baltimore’s 41 was right in front and would’ve rushed for the ball. If he saw himself scoring the TD then he was likely to fumble (if you don’t have the ball when you see yourself scoring, odds go up that you won’t get

It’s not fresh, but it uses a timeless design. I honestly thought it came from someone’s DeviantArt account or something.

They wore the Chief because they were wearing it in a past win. They should stop wearing it after this. Losing 3 straight clinchers is worse than being swept.

You know one iCloud app that works almost flawlessly? iCloud iBooks on iOS. It’s like the “iTunes Match” of the ebook world, but check this out: NO ITUNES NEEDED. Man, I hate iTunes so much! You just download a PDF or a epub file and send it to iBooks, then you have the option to upload it. If you do, you can download

This is such a traverse process, it shouldn’t be broken.

¿En serio voy a ver luz ultravioleta con el control remoto infrarrojo?

New Nintendo 2DS U