@Michael Hayes: I paid for tethering. I think it was $3-5 for HandyLight.
@Michael Hayes: I paid for tethering. I think it was $3-5 for HandyLight.
@Freezen: Exactly. My immediate thought is that there's more to the story than was made public. Maybe BK talked to the manager and found out that this kind of thing happened before, only nobody complained. Or they may have found other things wrong in the course of their investigation. But firing the manager for this…
Wow...helium. Aren't we in the midst of a huge helium shortage? The costs to regularly operate this thing and keep it afloat on an ongoing basis will be astronomical, plus it'll contribute to pushing the prices and availability of helium even more to the edge.
@MarcusMaximus: In development, Carmack was saying they were hitting a constant 60fps, with additional details included for iPhone 4. If that's anywhere near ballpark of the actual performance, it should be buttery smooth. It's a big download though, so will be a few minutes before I can test it firsthand.
Whoa, I've so been waiting for this (as well as Infinity Blade). Downloading it now...hands starting to shake
Any mention of Wild Wild West deserves this youtube view:
Wait a minute. Why is it capturing images of people 10-15ft away, who are not even standing on the scanning pedestal? Is this really from a full body scanner, or some kind of IR camera pointed at the front of the scanning device?
@buttnugget: Totally. For a story like this, an after photo is just common sense!
@pz: There are gob-loads of ABCs and native English speakers in Taipei, especially in the entertainment industry.
@FluxDecapitator: Exactly. Once, I bought inexpensive speaker cables, and Opus Dei killed me in my sleep that very night.
@treesloth: That is as amazing as it is relevant. Thanks!
What's the code limit? Is this stored mechanically or is it battery operated? I'm intrigued!
@BillBaard: Guess you'd have to settle for bettas.
My iPhone 4 recurring alarm went off perfectly. It's 4.2b3.
@Hongo: ROFL
@zhinker: Heh, good point. If you're really trying to pull this off, choose a flight that's not full. Buy two tickets. Keep the other boarding pass with seat assignment with you, and switch seats after you take off the disguise. Also, don't go to the bathroom while others are in line/waiting.
@Trolland Rhodes: Yes, San Juan del Norte does appear in both
@Habs: The default font just changed in one of the betas. Since you brought it up, I looked in the settings and you can select the font. The new default is called "Chalkboard" but I have no idea if it was always an option pre-4.2.
@Habs: Lol. I'm surprised you didn't mention the different font used in the Notes app (iOS 4.2). Maybe Apple is trying to clean up the streets with the new update.
These maps look to be of similar scale, but almost everything else about them is significantly (almost dramatically) different. The borders are completely different, and even the landmasses have different features and names (San Joan del Norte? San Juan de Nicaragua?). Amazing how skewed something we take for granted…