El Guano

I heartily approve of multiple bunny images used in this article.

@vinod1978: iMovie's software image stabilization takes 2-3 minutes to process a 1min clip on my i7 quad-core iMac. I figure as good as the A4 is, it doesn't have the horsepower to tackle that task sufficiently.

Voxels. Awesome!

"This common gardening tool is also a term for an immoral pleasure seeker."

@omgwtflolbbqbye: I missed two (one as a typo). I also played it twice, which helped a lot. I bet I could do even better the third time around :)

313.5MB for me. Probably because I already DL and installed Safari 5 beforehand...

I've always wondered - can you cross your eyes and see 3DTV in 3D without the glasses?

@wetterberg: Why would I link the searches if I came here to QQ about them? Kake81 did the work for me, which is what I was hoping for in the first place :)

@Go Vols!: That would effectively silence them right? Win.

I think you should get a free vuvuzela with every beer purchase at any sporting event. That would be an awesome celebration of South African culture.

God I loved this article. I would have loved it more if you saved me the extra Google click by linking some examples of classical Byzantine art employing this bizarre perspective.

@sygyzy: Oops, sorry about that! I read this story a couple of years ago and just assumed his death was given away in the article header.

I love this. Scuba diving is the one thing that I have pretty much obsessed about over the last few years (even more than gizmos and computers). The feeling of flying in three dimensional space is incredible.

This was a heart-wrenching story, good even after many years.

@MorganRW: Not really. You don't see old people not knowing how to operate a radio or drive a car, right (and I'm not saying they all drive WELL)? It won't be computer tech support that get us hung up when we're old, it'll be something completely paradigm-shifting that we miss in the next 30 years, like YaTweeGooBook

Huh, why the ipod stats? The HDDs/SSDs in these things aren't exactly large.

@Rosa Golijan: Sorry, it came off as more than just light snark. You could say it was unintendional :)

It's not an intendional feature. You're an intendional feature. #clockvase