El Generalissimo

The newest kits offer autosomal DNA testing, free of the limitations of matrilineal mtDNA and patrilineal Y-DNA assays. But it should be noted they have their own limitations, particularly with regard to a limited dataset regarding (in most cases) their geographic distributions and population frequencies.

Out of six billion base pairs, 1^-2 amount of genetic information still goes a long way, between independent chromosomal assortment and recombination.

Re: Joe McMillan

OMG, raclette or GTFO.

It's no small part of why the data coming out of autosomal DNA continues to revolutionize how we understand human origins. There's evidence of continuous gene flow across human populations all throughout prehistory, all the way to the first emergence of modern humans.

I should've gone on to discuss the limitations of these methods of ancestral DNA analysis, so thanks for filling that in.

Of the colonial societies throughout the Americas, and elsewhere in the world - there are countries at least as heterogenous. Brazil, Canada, South Africa, India.

The genetic signals that are the most commonly used are those that are inherited in a predictable manner, that's not subject to recombination. Mitochondrial DNA is inherited exclusively from your mother, who inherited from her mother, and so on. For males, the Y chromosome can only have been inherited from your

…Rachel Dolezal?

I'm reticent to deploy the term 'Grammar Nazi' in the current circumstances, but I will admit to an impulse to offer the correction 'bawls', not 'balls' in that title.

Look upon Leith, North Dakota, y'all, and be repulsed:

It says right on the bottle to consult your doctor.

Bruce Springsteen cover band or GTFO.

There've already been a couple of memes circulating locally, inviting them to various locations in majority African-American parts of the city. Mondawmin Mall, most specifically. The SPLC map of hate groups across the country identifies more than a few, based in the suburbs, exurbs, and hinterlands surrounding the

It doesn't take having to turn over too many slimy rocks on social media to find sympathizers pressing the narrative that Fields "felt threatened" or acted in self-defense while being assaulted in the runup to the attack. Nevermind the multiplicity of video and photographic documentation that's wholly inconsistent

Overnight reporting from the scene indicates that BPD were deployed in substantial numbers to the four monuments. The mood was generally celebratory, and police officers were convivial, inviting passers-by to take selfies with the monuments during the removal process.

Living in the historic neighborhood immortalized in the epilogue to Pink Flamingos there's a small but not insignificant local movement to immortalize Ms. Divine's, uh - errr… contribution to local culinary cinema on that block in statue form.

As a matter of process, Charleston spurred the initiation of the study report by Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's administration. That commission identified the best candidates for removal, budgeting, and some provisional suggestions for the disposition of the monuments. Since the report's release - the timetable and budget

Chaps! Meet you there in twenty?

Historically, Baltimore is deep, deep, deep blue. Basically indigo.