shit can get passed on even without visible symptoms
shit can get passed on even without visible symptoms
I know I know that the hypocrisy is almost comical at this point, but just *imagine* again if this were President Clinton and she had sent her daughter Chelsea to talk sanctions with SK. And also if Chelsea and her husband worked at the WH. And neither had proper security clearance. The right would be apoplectic (and…
I weep for people that ask “who’s Al bundy”?
This piece is objectively kinder to Ivanka than she deserves
Please don’t insult brave men like Al Bundy by comparing this huckster to them.
“Ivanka was a great representative for the administration.”
I used to love SP back in the day, but I’m not sure I want to see a guy who now looks like Varys screeching about teenage angst.
It could be that Corgan just may have the most annoying singing voice in rock and/or roll musics.
Counterpoint: If you have been watching every episode of The Walking Dead, you should be thoroughly accustomed to being disappointed all the time.
Spoiler Alert: The show sucks donkey dick nowadays.
How’d he die, anyway?
Oh, it’s just Carl. Whew. That guy sucks. I thought for a second that Coral died because you posted a picture of him.
Nashville native here.
He died doing what he loved: eating shit publicly.
If you want to come across as intelligent the comma goes inside of the quotes.
Guns in schools in absolutely, without a doubt, the hill I will die on.
“Dang, it’s so much easier making my cool, tough videos because no one is allowed to talk back...”
Marco Rubio “I am not an asshole because I take money, they give me money because I am an asshole.”
So Trump firing Mueller now would be enough for impeachment EXCEPT that the GOP are a bunch of anti-American, sellout bitches.
This can’t be right. How could Trump be out-smarted? He has the best brain. He has the best words. He is a genius, a stable genius. And he passed that very hard cognitive abilities test with the best score over recorded.