
Chappelle is thoroughly up Chappelle’s ass.  His rant about “they’re going to pay me!” clearly gave him the impression that he could do/say anything.

There is clearly a difference in the OG Chappelle and this Rich-Bitter-Old-Man Chappelle.  I miss the former a lot, and don’t care at all for the latter.  This current Dave has a disturbing amount of bitterness mixed with disdain and arrogance--like a mean old drunk that hates everything and everyone.

That Lancer OZ/Ralliart was such a gutless car, with an interior to match its performance.  

And fog lights!

In fact, if you buy a bike at all today, you will probably never even encounter your bottom bracket at all. It will be trouble free, maintenance free. It will not be a thought that enters your mind.”

Was she “shaken” when Lauer would use his under-the-desk button to lock her inside his office? STFU Katie

Were they charged extra to put the fire out?

Will it still come with drum brakes in the rear?  Couldn’t tell from the pictures

This sounds like it was written by an intern who will not be offered a permanent position at the end of his term.  Some advice for young people:  all the “olds” at the office far outweigh and outrank all the young people, so learning to codeswitch is crucial.  This skill will become even more valuable once you become

But by all means Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Colombians, Venezuelans, Argentinians, and Brazilians living in Florida keep voting blood red! I’m sure that come to absolutely bite you in the ass later....

Nothing the cops can do about loud music and lights at night?  So I guess all the college parties that get raided by police are illegal?  

“This is my show. This is my set”....spoken like a true Karen.  Last I checked this was Shonda’s show.

It’s quite clear that the United States does not have (and never has had) two diametrically opposed political parties, but instead two parties pulling towards the same conservative, religious, white-centric direction. This is why the Democrats can’t seem to do jack shit except enable the GOP ghouls.

White latin americans are some of the most racist people around.

AOC had a good run so far, but this is where she messed up.  

it’s a good thing that a) I don’t have a Costco near me and b) I’d never set foot inside of one even if I lived right across the street from one.

When I lived in Texas, a roadie friend-of-a-friend showed us the gun he carried on him while he biked. I thought it was a ridiculous notion, but riding your bike out in the country in Texas you never know what can happen.

My lawn is were my kid plays.  I’d rather that than a concrete slab or the garage.

The dress was a misstep; it should have said “Eat The Rich” instead of the defanged and much PR-friendly “Tax The Rich”.  Maybe what we’re seeing is the OG AOC mourning the loss of herself to the machine.

Status Quo-In-Chief. Same with Kamala.