Reddit CEO Ellen Pao

I’m neither old nor rich, but I think these two are idiots of the highest caliber.

I mean let’s face it, you don’t really need to throw around your weight when players take a dive because a blade of grass touched their shin.

Yeah, but it’s both commie-football and a women’s league.

Funny how triggered these types get when you use their own logic against them.

But, but, but, my professor in my gender studies class says the first amendment isn’t made to protect you from anyone but the government, and NWSL is a private organization, so they can do whatever they want!

Everything is about rape if you’re a feminist.

Daddy never came back when he went to get those menthols, eh?

“I am disgusted with the way he has been treated and the fans and hatred he has received in all of this,” Rapinoe told espnW’s Julie Foudy. “It is overtly racist. ‘Stay in your place, black man.’ Just didn’t feel right to me. We need a more substantive conversation around race relations and the way people of color

Could be as simple as a ‘role’ designation - C2 being a commercial droid, R2 being a research droid, etc

Point of Clarification: Meatbags such as yourself have names. Droids have designations.

God damn it feels good to be the best. This little temper tantrum was delicious. Thanks, Drew.

I was shocked to learn how many people don’t use white pepper in mashed potatoes. Heathens!

Got a friend whose dad has a knack for acquiring things. He got his hands on one a commercial grade pressure frier. It really does make all the difference in the world.

The Postal series are fantastic, you fucking pussies.

Or, I don’t know, maybe speaking fees aren’t what they used to be

This is a nice story. Most everything else is awful.

I’m not going to go VR until I can pilot my very own Gundam.

I remember getting the original Anthology just before Q4G5 came out, and spending a week creating the ultimate Super Paladin.

I dunno, maybe they’re worried about their kid having self esteem issues?

This, right here. The people running around screaming that he’s being unfairly criticized by the media and the public seem to gleefully ignore the fact that for Mr. Kaepernick, vague threatening sentiments on twitter and some people pissed off at him is, quite literally, as bad is it is going to get for him.