Neutral - Alphard/Vellfire ASAP please. Oh, and the Sonata Wagon, and more wagons in general.
Neutral - Alphard/Vellfire ASAP please. Oh, and the Sonata Wagon, and more wagons in general.
They’re a tarted up Fusion. That’s not an indictment, just a reality. It’s a good all around slightly nicer car.
It stung a bit going in...
There is only one. Ottawa Rough Riders have been gone for a while.
Football season.
Totally fake/makeup injuries. Especially on her shoulder where she showed “road rash” Strangely a week later in her timeline that shoulder is pristine, her tattoo is fine, no pink, no scars, not even a old scab.
All the posts are gone now, but I do love that less than a week later she’s demonstrated her Wolverine level healing skills, as her “road rash” is completely healed as she’s rocking her whatever branded tank top with nary a pink area or scar where her pristine tattoo is under the road rash.
The black lager is in regular production. It’s like a porter without the bloat.
My 2018 Honda Clarity PHEV sounds vaguely reminiscent of a Star Trek transporter that changes in pitch depending on how fast you go. Hardly audible inside the car, but very clear outside.
Fine. Do you prefer jingoistic assclown? Because both of those are dead-balls accurate.
I’m more offended at the use of “costed” instead of “cost” Grammatically it may be sort of right, but sounds horrible to the ear.
Best exhaust package ever!
Louisville Slugger works better, and you’ll look less like a LARP reject.
Iacocca should have been pushed into a Magic Wagon, onto a raft, where Doug Henning transforms it into a Pinto, which is struck gently on the rear by a swinging pendulum made from a recycled K-Car, whereupon it bursts into flames like a Viking funeral.
I just like the Trumpicorn on the header picture. It has the best mane. Everyone says so. Completely real, natural amazing mane.
So is aliens of scaled persuasion acceptable?
Let’s see how buddy feels about the miles of capricious dick that daughter will take out of spite just to piss off Daddy at the appropriate time. They’re not called Daddy Issues for nothing.
The ‘99 Stars and ‘04 Bolts are too busy deciding who’s cup winning goal was more bullshit to notice the Blues’ issue.
5-7 - Was having faux human outfit retouched due to unseasonable humidity which makes things tough for the lizard people.
Just because I’m a pedantic asshole, technically the Clippers and the Lakers both play in the Kings’ building.