Too bad we’re still waiting for the Canucks to be relevant. Ever.
Too bad we’re still waiting for the Canucks to be relevant. Ever.
Anything other than Mets or Totems should be killed with fire immediately.
Two bols > one cup
This seems a lot like, we’d like you to move elsewhere. This semester ends in less than two weeks. Last day of classes for fall semester at UT is Dec. 10.
Also, your average Holstein is female and smaller, but still gigantic in the cow world. He’s just a big boy. A VERY big boy.
Maybe because telling the story of all the dead hookers/mobsters that got dumped from the trunk of a Caddy isn’t as glamorous as those GP wins in the 50's/60's Sterling Moss > Meyer Lansky
The Church and it’s sky friends like martyrs. Here’s one more for the pile.
Lauren, that may be one of the greatest burns/shit talkings that I’ve seen in forever. *golf clap* Best part? Totally true.
Sporps hinelites are absotootley the best shinelights. - Emmitt
Your Father’s cheap cousin will point out that some Walmart locations still have it in stock on clearance for $25.
Your Father’s cheap cousin will point out that some Walmart locations still have it in stock on clearance for $25.
Sure. Let Pabst go BK, and buy the IP for the brands and brew them for yourself. Or stop brewing for Pabst, let their market share diminish, buy them for a fraction of their present value and then re-start the brands and be the real hero for bringing them back. Shit, Miller/Coors should hire me. Or even better,…
Boiled rotten corn juice.
apples v. pineapples. Scotch, distilled twice, usually grain based JWB is blended, but from very very aged whiskys. Bourbon, corn based, much sweeter, distilled once. Heavier alcohol burn, but much sweeter on the palate. Better is a personal choice. There’s zero bad answer.
Unfortunately he may have died in the fire because his giant steel balls wouldn’t let him get out of the tiny cab of the bulldozer.
Anything is an offroad vehicle if you’re dedicated enough. At least that’s what I told myself when I took a rental A4 on a safari through a South African national park and inflicted uspeakable things to that car that I’m sure makes it still weep at night.
If you look up the importation requirements to the US, there is an agreement that you don’t need to make any modifications if the vehicles are mechanically similar between Canada and the US. Generally the only mods needed would be the disconnection of the daytime running lights, which are required in Canada. Otherwise…
Also fully importable to the US with a manufacturer’s letter.
It’s the surfactant. Dish soap is meant to cut away grease completely. That little sheen of oil and grease helps protect our skin and dish soap completely strips you clean and dries you out.