Because it’s different. Different is good. Different is not a fucking Camry. Different is not beige. Why is the dream jalop car a brown diesel manual wagon? Because no one in their right mind would want one. So we automaticly (manually) do.
Because it’s different. Different is good. Different is not a fucking Camry. Different is not beige. Why is the dream jalop car a brown diesel manual wagon? Because no one in their right mind would want one. So we automaticly (manually) do.
Gift card to
Just a couple weeks too late...
License and registration CHICKEN FUCKER!
You spelled Melania wrong.
Porch guy...
Waco - Come for the Mammoth and the shiplap. Stay for the megachurch and Baptist Supported Athletic Program/University/Rape complex.
Give me a sniper with a Barrett .50 and you can reach out and touch any General on the field you want from over a mile away. Take out Jackson at First Manassas with a thunderbolt, and that may have ended the civil war before it really got going.
Is that your recommendation for the appetizer, or hold off for the main?
I applaud your idea. I have a modded out CV, but just for road duty. I know what the next project is. Of course, I also have my Mad Max Falcon with the blower as well. Completely impossible to drive, but looks cool as shit in matte black.
Flex or MKT with the ecoboost and awd. Haul your crap, tow lightly, and depreciation is your friend.
Permanent base at Texas World Speedway.
*Rick #pedanticasshole
Genuine 24K gold plated man...
Nothing finer on a brisk fall morning than a big cup of freshly bottled mind.
Is it really, really bad that I just want to send a sick kid with measles to all these schools on a rotating transfer?
Sadly, even that wouldn’t shock me entirely.
Technically, it’s not 47% of the country. It’s 47% of the people that voted. There are 231 million people eligible to vote. 60.5M of them voted for Trump.