
i don't understand how people don't get this is how this all works. is it not the case for literally every actor/musician/comedian/creative?

the best character is coming in season 2 - the trans truther

lol 'my step dad broke my eye socket playing uno'

he's in o'shaghennessy's office

you havent seen happy endings have you…

well thats true of most television shows. i just don't think its funny. Every now and then i'll do one of those 'exhale out your nose' laughs but thats about it. I expect heightened reality; if this weren't supposed to be a comedy i wouldnt mind as much. are any of them even really comedic actors?

i'm sorry but i hate this show and the fact that people seem to actually like it. i don't really understand it; its just a less funny and more sitcommy version of Happy Endings

a lot of this show seems like a Sunny plot. ep 1 w/ the gallon of gas just made me think of when the gang resold gas door to door. I think sweet dee was a pretty big inspiration for this character…not that thats bad though. so far loving this show.

exactly! this is what i've always said…they are presented basically as asexual. i dont think ABC wants to sexualize the gay couple for fear that their 'family values' will diminish?

notice they all have iPhones (noticebly Jeff's iPhone 6+) this year. previously they had non-branded phones. i think they have yahoo to thank for that.

well to be fair, she has been there. season 5, episode 6 http://www.imdb.com/title/t… . shes the IT lady who they need to unlock the pr0n. But yes, she fits in perfectly & will probably develop into one of my favorites.

its what ive come to expect from Shondaland. First season, pretty normal, then each season gets exponentially more far-fetched and forced.