
@Yerzriknot: Well in that case, the sad fact is Office 07 is much slower than office 98.

@karmaghost: i have relatively short hair so it's easy, I would imagine with longer hair it would be harder to reach the scalp. #hair

Completely unnecessary. People waste money on anti-dandruff shampoos and use things like this to cure dandruff when a way simpler solution exists.

For something that fills up with hot soapy water multiple times in a day, I would imagine its one of the cleaner parts of your kitchen, but maybe thats just a naive thought.

Setting up a home network with windows should be a lot easier and streamlined. And accessing said network and files should be easier too. Currently its a mess

Attack in Black's album Marriage its upbeat enough to keep me going and productive, but yet their music just melds into my work, something about crunchy indie folk punk rock that just works well with me.

Wait whoa whoa... i think drowning steve jobs isn't going to solve anything guys. That's a little too drastic

I've eschewed the handshake for a more practical application.

I completely agree with distracting yourself while working out. Whether it be with an iPod, or those fancy built in TVs with the touch screens built into those new treadmills they have over at the new gym that opened up (I know I'm spoiled).

I live in a two story house and during the evenings the second story gets incredibly hot and stuffy. While my first floor gets comfortably cold. I suspect the whole hot air rising thing is at work.

Just wondering, does google benefit from taskfox-esque searching? Do they profit from it? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a large part of google's money made in advertising on the page? If no one visited [google.com] there would be no ads. Possibly ads in taskfox?

@chainsawchef: It's been done but requires a decent bit of tinkering. The cleaning cycle goes well over 800 degrees with the top of the of oven close to a 1000, near the temperature of a brick oven (used correctly of course).

@mfusion: interesting. always wondered how that came about

Slightly off topic but while we're on the subject of bananas, anyone remember those cartoons where people would slip on bananas. Somehow I don't find them very slippery and trip inducing.

@wild_bill: Exactly what I was about to say. Muscle weighs more than fat. I would say that the people that lived longer because they were slightly overweight were definitely not "fat" but fairly athletic with a decent amount of muscle. Thats why I'm "technically" overweight but I have 8% bodyfat

Sleep is a very touchy subject.

I've tried (attempted) a lot of tie knots, and so far this one is the one that works every time and is also the easiest.. The guy in the video doesn't even know what to call it but it gets the job done every time.

Cellphone set to 3 different times within 5 minutes. It effectively combats my snooze habits. Either that or I record a message telling me to get my ass up I have something important to do and use that.