
I so needed to hear this today, thank you.

Sadly no love for Tropic Thunder. Boo.

I disagree — Bob realized it at once, after walking away from Pauline. That recognition/guilt is all over his face.

Stick with it!!! Gets so much better. Almost gave up on it and glad I didn't. Crazy creative. One of the very few "sitcoms" I DVR.

Did the son know this "Mike" beforehand? He acted like he recognized him right away at the club. I doubt the SS had a regular detail on the family so how is that? Maybe he sells him drugs?

writer/intern to Seth Myers

and going back to view her early stuff that I sadly never knew existed. She was way too cool for SNL.

Crazy Ex Girlfriend. Rachael Bloom is my new girl grush

Agreed. I looooved the FX version but after watching the doc, I feel like they missed the boat a bit on their portrayal of OJ — what a piece of work that guy was/is!!! Totally nailed the supporting players, though.

Oh the writing by professionals these days…"practically" is not a word…particularly, on the other hand…

My take on Nina's death was that it was actually orchestrated BY Oleg's father. Once he learned that his precious son was actually "in love" with her, he had to have that threat eliminated, as it would tarnish the family name to be associated with a traitor — he just used the promise of his help as leverage to get

There were shockingly many…I'm pretty psyched to learn more about them. I have a feeling we will all be equally as appalled, unfortunately (but, "great gravy!" as someone earlier exclaimed, does it make for stellar television!)

Mr. Robot. You're welcome.

Did you see Olive Kitteridge? Sounds like you'd appreciate it too.

The Vulture review had greater insight into Noah's chapter. Recommended.

Seriously! I just did a quick "Find" on the article hoping it would pop up and it (only) brought me to your comment. :( They may drag this out, darn it!

As a child I was so heavily indoctrinated by my parents and their church to believe that prayer — and FASTING — would actually get you what you wanted, that in the 4th grade I fasted (starved myself) for days prior to our annual field day competition because I wanted my class to win the tug of war (hey, what can I say

Oh boy, this admission is gonna sting a little. I grew up in a pretty religious household in the midwest during the 80's and my pop culture exposure was limited to Christian rock music and PG movies. The list of things I couldn't watch/listen to was much longer than what I could. Sooooo….I spent hours listening and