
Yeah, I understand the knee-jerk reaction of support for the accusers given the topic at hand, but when you start looking into this case, they come out looking as bad if not worse than Elliott does in any of his tweets

Why didn’t you mention the fact that Elliott was also targeted by the feminists? They ran accusations saying the man was a pedophile, when the “13 year old” abused girl was in reality 18 - 19 years old. And she wasn’t abused at all.

Shh...men are always guilty, based only on the word of a woman. Proof and evidence is a construct of the white male Patriarchy, and if you disagree, you’re a straight white cishet shitlord MRA pissbaby rapist pedophile.

he was found innocent, Stephanie Guthrie was spouting a bunch of BS. you want the guy to be punished even though there was no evidence of any illegal acts on the man’s part. You’re a piece of shit.

You do know this is Jezebel, right?

You can be afraid without there being any real reason to be afraid, and that’s okay. The law doesn’t need to step in and punish someone else for your fear, unless there’s a compelling reason.

While I don’t think what he did was good, right, or moral, based on the letter of the law, I agree that it wasn’t criminal. Also, there were a few things that the judge listed as reasons he found the women did not really fear him that you’ve somehow failed to mention in your article.

Good for him. Poor guy lost 3 years of his life over an internet argument. lol