
I’m always here for any comment that has to explain why *technically* a character isn’t under age.

3 - Maggie Simpson has been a baby for 31 years. Your argument isn’t sound.

Regarding #2: Unless I’m mistaken, all of the characters in the King of Fighters games are engaging in a tournament of consensual violence, where all of the participants know what they’re getting into, what sort of danger is involved, what the rules are, and what compensation and treatment plans are present.

Last I checked, our military budget is literally bigger than the military budgets of the next eleven highest spending countries COMBINED.

Some might call me an asshole for this but, there is no line to draw. As a dev, you make the game you want to make, it’s not on you to account for the whims or irrational fears of any one player. The amount of people who might suffer from something like Arachnophobia to such a degree that they can’t even see a virtual

As devs, where do we draw the line for this stuff though? Are we supposed to have options to cut out “triggers” for all people who have some sort of phobia?

This is post-ROTJ, and it’s framed that you are chasing down scattered forces. It’s fine that they are evenly matched.

Lamenting? I said the CC was pretty good baring some weird specific choices. Beyond that, this article is saying “Wow since everyone’s making characters that look like themselves, maybe we should ensure that everyone has that ability.” Larian’s doing the bashing, not me.

I think that doing mental gymnastics to defend a character using a slur, joining a terrorist organization, etc can have wider implications re: someone’s politics and values, and I think that a lot of fandom discussions often mirror sociopolitical ones. Snapewife/Snapewife-adjacent discourse was no exception to this,

I’m not surprised. Even Manson had his groupies.

Don’t shit on other people getting more of what they should because you’re underpaid.

Not recently but I’ve played EVE for a considerable time. I’m okay with this. Null-sec corps kind of viewed Empire space as plebs, and if it weren’t for the markets they had to interact with at all, they’d largely never stoop to ever interact with it. They’d rather live comfortably and self sufficiently behind their

You are without question the worst husband in the history of human mating.”

It’s been a few years since I played EVE, but isn’t this situation simply a reverse of what used to be the status quo: Where High-sec players were effectively locked out of nul-sec resources and relied on importing them? I could mine all the Tritanium ad Omber I wanted in High sec but if I wanted the real good shit it

Maybe it’s time to reevaluate whether or not you want him as a fiance? It’s drastic, I know, but it sounds like he’s fallen down the QAnon hole (with the Biden is a pedophile thing) and I’m not sure that’s the kind of person you would want in your life. This isn’t something that I’m saying to you lightly, but I follow

I think this is a little bit of a logical fallacy. All the things you listed are forms of entertainment, but motorsport is a real-life, in the moment affair, whereas the other two things you mentioned often take place in a fictional universe

Imagine thinking anti-fascists and anti-racists are violent terrorists when Nazi Germany and the KKK exist.

100%. The Omen trailer they released a month or two before the game came out is still one of my favorite trailers of all time, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the plot of the game, even from an abstract thematic level. It’s bizarre, and set expectations up in a strange way.

Your side is still crying because you didn't get your way in the Civil War.

That’s complete “both sides are equally bad” nonsense.