
Everyone in this thread(?) is talking like there's only one cause. There isn't. It's a conglomeration of things that make people dickish. Being with friends helps. So does being anonymous. Together, things get even worse. And there's probably more things that add to it as well.

You know, I understand people buying it because of the stuff that comes with it being cool, as others had said, but I really am confused about the people who already have an attachment to it. I've already seen a few people with Titanfall shirts on. I just think, "really? Have we already decided this game is going to

Looks like they really "hit the mark" on this one.

The problem is that you are giving examples of how Microsoft and Nintendo are innovating, then complaining that Sony isn't innovating when they're doing just as much as Microsoft is. Like the Wonderbook and Kinect. You claim the Wonderbook isn't innovation because Sony isn't pushing it, but the Kinect is, even though

I thought it was the other way around? I thought he only did the main theme for the first one, and did all of the music for A Realm Reborn.

He absolutely does. But that isn't to make up for his mistakes, it's to add to the effect. Most of these games have very grand scores and the powerful tonality of symphonic instruments just can't be emulated with voice alone. You'll notice that he doesn't always use it, only on the more symphonic ones (FF, Zelda,

I have no factual evidence, but I've had years upon years of musical training as well as many private teachers and professors tell me I have fantastic ears, and I've never had a problem hearing autotune or the like. I don't hear it here. I understand how one might think so, but he just has extraordinary pitch, vocal

Except he isn't using one.

I don't think this study can really be connected to gaming. No one games with a full helmet and motion detectors on. I could see the game they played influencing them because it moved when they moved and they saw nothing else. In games you move a thumbstick and press buttons, as well as watching a monitor. Actual

It's nothing like GTA. Same company, but the gameplay is more detective work than anything else. Fantastic game.

That's completely false. After it's installed, the disc never needs to be used again.

You talk like I'm supposed to care.

Haha it would've taken much longer than one day my friend. They'd have to talk to both Sony and every retailer out there who was selling this thing (since it wasn't retail specific, it was a deal with Sony) and work out with all of them what the best course of action was. I'd give it a week at best. Amazon's current

Again, when it's this close to release, I don't expect it. That's the reason. When it's that close, they need to address their consumer base as quickly as possible, and if that means telling both their consumers and partners at the same time, so be it.

Well I do not believe what I believe due to selfishness and laziness. If you don't get your work done, then you better be staying late. I'm against absurd time demands like the one in games. I understand working overtime a few weeks, but what they do is just stupid, and is something no one should, or does, have to go

I get what you're referring to, but it really sounds nothing like the FF theme and I wouldn't have made a connection without you mentioning it. Just because there are ascending and descending synths does not make it FF influenced.

Taking it out of the context of game development doesn't help, because game development is the only industry with a crunch time on this level and I'm not arguing that "crunch" (which I've never really heard referred to as such outside of games) is foundationaly wrong. It's necessary at times. But not to the level of

You are very correct. That was going to be my next point should debating continue :P

I agree. But that has nothing to do with his actions and expecting them to. Just because they should do something, doesn't mean you should expect it, especially when it's unlikely, as this situation was.

That's my point. They announced it quickly. They most likely had to because of how close it was to launch. Amazon wouldn't know right away.