
Tried watching a bunch of NBC shows last year, because they had a lot of great sounding ones. Every single one of them absolutely sucked.

Ow! My Balls!
The Game Show!

spoiler alert? i guess this means he didn't die at the end of S4..

I honestly thought that there was just a "Part II", like it was supposed to be a thing of mystery.. where's part I? there isn't one.. but, turns out there is.

On the assumption that it's been maybe 2 days since everyone returned (ie between end of last episode and beginning of this one), we're just around about 2 days since Noah died, 2 weeks since Tyreese died, and a month since Bob and Beth died.

i think they tried at first to give the impression that Glenn was telling Deanna his response to Nicholas's video, but then they reveal that he's actually talking to Rick. So, I think the point is, no, she didn't get Glenn's side officially.

The screaming and the smacking her at the end, as well as Deanna saying she already knew about it.. didn't put enough truth into it for ya?

I sold audio and video baby monitors back in the early 90s. Wireless started showing up in the late 90s, around the time 2.4ghz band started becoming widely used. of course we used CRTs then. I might question the size/quality of the display that was used as being time accurate, but the devices themselves were

I meant "healed" as in, his leg isn't broken .. maybe not healed properly.. but limpy doesn't necessarily mean he's slow

There is a reason why their team is called the "Browns", I'm sure.

It's not clear that Alexandria has learned that at all.

Noah's leg was healed, he'd had that limp for quite a while, he'd said in an earlier episode.

Abraham's group?

Oh, I'm pretty sure there was quite a bit of blood lust there. Did you not see Sasha smashing the one dude's skull in until it was dust?

I just discovered this show about… 3 hours ago. (The Jinx)

actually, we haven't seen whether she's as good as she claims to be at it, or not. She could easily just be letting everyone she wasn't sure of prove themselves.

well, as we've seen by this episode, you can keep a LOT of zombies busy with just one or two corpses. Shane did it too. So, yeah, that's how they survived. Didn't get overrun because whoever didn't run as fast as the rest of the group was food.

one person can pretty easily hold back a revolving door, especially since the pressure against him was now only coming from one side on it, since Eugene dragged away all the others.

walkingdead wikia should be able to supply just about all the info you need.