
I wish your shithead executives would let you and your readers publicly mourn Splinter. It is missed.

You shitheads literally elected a game show host.

In the end, Bran let Dany go on her rampage because he knew she would make his kingdom more ADA compliant.

Yeah, I think it can sometimes be tempting to confuse creative ability and vision with moral virtue, when those are two completely separate things. The difficulty is that art often has a moral component to it, so when the moral component is at odds with the character of the creator, we find ourselves in a state of

In DC lounge, hookahs smoke you!


Are we sure he wasn’t doing this interview in character as Richard? Starts out talking about a successful new project, gets asked about something else and starts giving kind of bad answers that could result in negative press, gets flustered and tries to salvage things, but ends up digging himself deeper. And then

A refrigerator murdered my parents.

I wonder if Bill will talk about it on his show tonight.

“Nobody will ever make money blogging. See this newspaper? I can hold it in my hand. I can sell it. How do you even sell a blog post? Idiots!”

One week ago, Albert Burneko wrote in the comments: “You really can’t conceive of any reason to want your team to advance in the playoffs other than a clear likelihood that they’ll be the one team in the entire conference that gets to play in the Finals? It’s truly inconceivable to you that somebody might want to see

Stop voting for these people!

What if the Sehdev shot himself in the face with a shotgun? It would, at least, prove more successful in generating sales than penning some verbiose apologia for the amoral sociopathic behavior that suffuses reality television. It certainly would generate more buzz than the bullshit he spouts on the page.