
Disqus isn't bad though, the only problem I have with disqus is that they don't have an app, yes there mobile site is smooth and efficient. But if they would make an app or at the very least turn there mobile site into a Progressive Web App than I would be a very happy man.

I like 12 monkeys because they have lade out an expansive plot that weaves easily through itself with little to no plot holes. It sticks to its time travel science to the T with no compromises. And i love the soundtrack. But i totally understand why some people may not like it.

i would hope next season will do better for that show. it seems like a really slow burn

Humans was most likely renewed because its ratings in its country of origin are good.

listen flying a jet into a space beam is a totally feasible strat man.

My guess is that the aliens came up with it. This obviously isn't the aliens first "colonization" operation. I'd assume that they give them a religion to get more devoted followers, and they build a government, but they base it off of what the planets government usually is based around.

its pretty obvious that the "Greatest Day" holds some truth. The people in those pods are obviously VIP humans. Now, if those people selected are going to be treated well after earth has run its course is another talk all together.