
I wear size 17 shoes. That takes up approximately 50% of a carry on when I need to bring dress shoes. I’m also 6'7", so my clothes fill up a carry on rather quick. Especially when bringing a suit. But yea I totally get what your trying to say. Just wanted to throw another perspective out there.

Would be nice to know how the fire started. You then go on to say that the efforts seem like it's managing the fire from spreading. Not putting it out. Kinda misleading article title.

Well that WAS murder, not getting caught smoking weed in your car on interstate. Which I think the latter is more of the caliber of crimes Cris Carter is referring to.

Same principle**

I'm sure as I have not seen every car on earth. Although I've never seen one in person that fits your criteria. I have seen them with an entirety separate caliper just for parking brake. Same prince as the screw out piston style but standalone.

My favorite quote from an instructor when learning electrical diagnostic skills was this. “Electricity is lazy, it only works as hard as it has to”.

Just posted a tip about using a piece of plastic like parts bag. Same principle, amazing trick.

It’s how a disc brake without an internal drum can still have a parking brake. For safety concerns the parking brake needs to be entirely mechanical. A slow leak in the hydraulic brake lines and you’d eventually lose braking force. The reason the screw in is so that they can be screwed out for parking/emergency brake

Work at a dealership. A lot of newer cars with rear disc brakes are going to that design. It mainly used for ability to apply braking force for the parking brake. I've seen some iteration of it in just about every make now.

This Is a Pretty handy and simple one. If the nut you need to install is inaccessible to start it with your fingers, I take a piece of plastic bag and hold it over my socket then wedge the nut into it. The thinking here is that this makes it so the nut can’t fall out. But once installed you can easily pull your socket

I laughed pretty hard at the any fluid drops in your mouth one. Just happened to me last night.

Came here to post this. Glad I'm not the only one.

Did he use a digital tire pressure gauge?

I know, was using Judith's development as a metric for Maggie's pregnancy timeline.

I know the motorcyclist could’ve probably gone faster, but is anyone else slightly impressed that the Ford Fusion was even able to keep up let alone gain on him? I mean there were at least two times the car was almost completely stopped with the bike getting by while rolling and yet that damn fusion just appears next

They entirety of show has only taken place over 2-3 years. Carl has definitely developed more than that but Judith the baby hasn't even been seen walking yet. Just my thoughts...

Worked as a ford tech for several years. Service manger was big about denying warranty repair. Cold air intakes were one he like to abuse.

I didn’t realize the windshield/roof/rear glass are one continuous piece. I'd be scared of the replacement cost on that. Obviously I'd love to have to it. But dear god would I cringe to sound of rock hitting the windshield.

Dear god what have just seen?

Adam must’ve done a few takes. I didn’t go back and watch the whole thing to see where t happened, but his left hand miraculously stops being red at some point.