
Hero in SF? Not so much, especially after that exit, but I’m now really grateful he did leave because this season is bad enough without wasting $90 million on him. The man had a lot of talent and zero discipline, on or off the field. Post-season hero one year, but not so much the others. I’m glad he was around for

No, he wasn’t. He moved in and out twice in that sequence.

How about asking that hack Chris Haynes why he asked them this: “Which do they prefer: The nightlife of Salt Lake City, or Los Angeles?” And why he then tried to make the entire article sound like he asked them only who do they prefer to play and all they came back with was nightlife? Is it anything to do with

You’re confusing the theoretical idea that one player might drive success of a new or upstart shoe company with this jerk’s insistence on getting his own cut from his son’s shoe contract in the form of a license to him from the established shoe companies. The sad part of this is that he’s anywhere near Lonzo’s

You know who was slow? Lonzo. Fox ran rings around him, just blew his doors off. LaVarr is a fool and a loud fool. I feel bad for Alonzo.

Oakland is better off with out them. Dumping public money into a football stadium located in an area no one will spend time in except for the game is just a waste of funds. Get a baseball park built in a waterfront location near Jack London Square and you might see some actual returns instead of the fake bullshit

There is no beef. ESPN is desperate for attention.

Now I’m just going to go back to Wyoming, which aside from its Neanderthal politics has some of the most beautiful country in the world.

People don’t tend to recognize the need for change when things are going well, so no, it’s not bullshit and the team is not full of delusional idiots. Just guys who can win too easily on pure talent but haven’t figured out what works when things are tough. Green is right, this is an opportunity for Kerr to get some

I am not a fan of the death penalty, but public execution of CNN anchors might be an exception.

Actually, we elected Trump, which is why he’s President-Elect. You don’t get to dodge that one, as much as I wish we could.

Bullshit. You’re told that in the event of an emergency you just get the hell out and do not try to take your personal belongings. Because, trying to take your personal belongings is endangering your life and the lives of others. Politeness does not work with people that fucking stupid.

“I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.” - Mark Twain

The main thing to know about horses is that if you don’t know about them, you will have trouble with them. If you do, you will have a lot less trouble and a lot more fun.

Why the hell would anyone assume he’d have to face questioning about such an irrelevant topic? It’s no one’s business, and if his brother wants to be an asshole and do his passive-aggressive bullshit hinting around, that’s his own problem. Beyond me why anyone cares.

Good piece, but I don’t think you actually understand the Warriors’ fanbase at all. Many of us have been fans through 20 years of the worst basketball in the NBA and still kept going to games and rooting for the team while cursing our owner and management. Personally I’ve been there since the early 70's but I know