Yes, and I expect to be ignored
That’s fine as long as you never describe yourself as a “sapiosexual.”
Watch the show, ignore the fan base. Actively avoid the fan base. Fan bases ruin everything.
Trump and his followers only care about who is supposedly a Winner and who is supposedly a Loser. Clooney is reminding everyone that Bannon is a Loser.
Haven’t had a chance to play her reworked version, but yeah, it’s exactly up my alley. I often wind up using my Rez only just one or two teammates at a time anyway!
I usually play Mercy because I’m not very good and I don’t have a problem admitting it. But I don’t do that hide-and-revive stuff. It gives me satisfaction to keep my team mates on the front lines by keeping their health bars topped up, and it also every time I score an assist because I’m damage boosting someone else.…
And even then will only be after she removes your stomach and finds it packed full of sweet, sweet ice cream.
You’ll get Corey Stoll.
Seriously, where was he getting a four dollar Lagunitas in San Francisco? Nowhere, that’s where.
Wow. I’m torn between wanting to hate-read the article and not wanting to give HuffPo the click. I’ll have to check the Twitter for further brutal takedowns of Mr. Barry.
So a dozen examples of varying quality, but how about the hundred counter examples? Looking forward to hearing about the time Shireen Baratheon burned someone at the stake.
She does in the book.
I suspect that within 24 hours I’ll be reading a post somewhere revealing that the poop window GoFundMe is a hoax.
Floating rafts of fire ants. And I don’t mean in the game, I mean sent directly to the idling players.
Thanks! I was curious but couldn’t find a credit anywhere.
“You look different!”
Yep—A subset of the alt-right/Trump supporters call themselves centipedes, and one of their online homes was called Centipede Central. https://www.polygon.com/2017/8/18/16158706/discord-centipede-central-alt-right
I have forwarded your reply to Chris Hansen. Would you like to have some seeet tea while we wait?
Point of order: Ryuk doesn’t write any names in the book. Light thinks he does, but he’s mistaken.