
Hey you fucking idiot, I don't have kids and will never have kids. But you have to be a fucking idiot to not realize the advantage to our society as a whole of people being able to raise healthy children. I don't know anything about you (other than that you're an idiot) but I feel fairly certain that your parents had

Yeah, that was hyperbole, but in all seriousness it is in a society's best interest to ensure that its members reproduce. Otherwise you get too few people of working age supporting to many elderly people. It's already happening in Japan— there doesn't have to be an apocalypse for low birth rates to have negative

I'm not sure what YOUR argument is here. If we're all inevitably going to die off, then who gives a fuck about sick days? Quit your job. Live off the land. Reproduce or don't. Eat your young if you feel like it.

So do you refuse to pay taxes because they pay for public schools?

Ah, yes, the old Tell-other-people-what-choices-to-make game! My turn: "If shoegal doesn't want to cover other people's sick days she should start her own business and be her own boss." Easy peasy.

if you'd read my original post to shoegal, you'd see I don't have kids and I don't want them, so you'll have to find another way to make me cry than impugning my parenting skills. But hey, good job telling me not to assume in your first paragraph and then assuming in your third! I can tell you are an experienced

Yes, and you made the choice not to have kids, and with that choice comes a sacrifice— helping out people who do. Because you know what would happen if no one chose to have kids because it was too onerous, right?

You know what reward you get for not having a kid? Not having to deal with a kid. AND hold down a job at the same time. I don't have kids myself (nor do I want them), but trust me, working moms have it much harder than you do. When their kid is sick, they do not consider it "time off" or "getting a pass"— they're

Why do I feel so certain this guy is a GamerGater?

I've never heard of this guy so I googled him. Turns out he's not even the most famous person with his name.

That quote has got to come from a Qunari.

I especially love the protruding arrows.


Game: Dragon Age 2

I was going to post this too. I spent a lot of time thinking "there's some way to save her, it's just not obvious!" and searching the room for some secret button. Nope.

I actually thought that the choice I made was going to save Ashley. I was surprised when it killed her instead. Kaiden stayed on the bench for the rest of the game, that ass.

My first time through the game my character specialized in fireballs. I killed sooooo many of my own companions.

Yes, I have been very happy with this new approach but I respectfully request that Kotaku promptly share with us any crumb of info regarding Fallout 4, no matter how insignificant or un-newsworthy #fallout4 #imdyingoverhere #throwmeabone