Came here to post this...more or less. I would suggest the 996 as the car that symbolized the end of the era, rather than the 993, which was the last of its kind.
Came here to post this...more or less. I would suggest the 996 as the car that symbolized the end of the era, rather than the 993, which was the last of its kind.
Came here to post this. Leaving happy.
Now that I’m not on a mobile device, I’ll provide more detail about how ridiculous you sound.
Who said anything about demanding anything?
No, I did not say that. I find it hard to believe that you could be so callous and non empathetic toward the people that you used to live among. This suggests that you’re either lying to further your argument, or if you are not lying, you coldly assume that everyone without your ambition (perhaps because they are from…
So everybody who is not just like you is a lazy stupid asshole? I don’t believe for a second that you grew up in this place and don’t have have a shred of empathy fo the people you grew up with. I suspect that you’re either a liar or an asshole...possibly both.
I’m sorry that I’ve missed your point.
I did not say that in any way. I’m sorry that you misunderstand.
You’re correct that not being able to speak English puts people at a serious disadvantage.
But language part of multiculturalism? If America is going to be a melting pot and not force one culture down everyone’s throats, it means that we are going to have to deal with the fact that other languages will be spoken here.
To answer your questions: Not living in a ghetto is an example of privilege. Not being illiterate is privilege. Speaking the native language of the country is privilege. Having an education is privilege. Indeed, not riding into the US “backwards on a donkey” is also privilege.
Caucasian = privileged. This is irrespective of American region.
Keep judging, my friend. Your people got yours based on your ideals (and skin color). That *must* mean that the formula will work for everyone else, right?
You are clearly Caucasian, privileged, and do not have any idea that you are or what this even means.
Typically, the people who accept it as truth that English must be spoken everywhere are people of a privileged class who expect that remaining in their privileged class is some sort of birthright.
Here is an article discussing the issue of hearing protection on motorcycles. There are quite a few out there. The short of it is that on a motorcycle at highway speeds, a rider’s ears are subject to high frequency noise exceeding 100 dB. On a sustained level, this causes permanent hearing damage. Essentially, if your…
No what? No they don’t apply reckless driving liberally? No skidding tires isn’t considered reckless driving in VA?