
Okay, since nobody involved in writing any of this decided to include actual numbers, I guess I’ll do it.

In 1990, the EPA banned the use of phosogypsum containing radium-226 concentrations above 400 bq/kg (1 Bq = 1 radioactive decay per second).

For reference, cement ALSO contains radium-226, along with potassium-40

Which again, I don’t know why we Have to EV everything, just keep the low selling sports cars at hybrids and EV everything else. The planet won’t die because of several thousand sports cars running around with an ICE engine.

The Porsche 944 is better looking than the 928.

The “passing lane” isn’t a lane for you to drive as fast as you want just because you are passing everyone. But please get the hell out of the way 😄

Towing more than 5,000 lbs should require a special license endorsement. 

The US should require behind the wheel driving tests every 10 years. With a written test every 5.

Formula 1, as currently formulated, is awful.

Base model zero option economy cars should have manual transmissions, Civics, Mirages, Sentras, Elantras etc. Pretty much all of these offer manual transmissions in their previous generations or in their current performance models so they have the tooling. I’m really just tired of CVTs and think more people having to

Boy, do I sure not understand these.  Sounds like a ton of future e-waste.

In all honesty, this comes back to the fundamental question: what is the point of a digital licence plate if it’s not for this sort of nonsense? It’s more expensive than stamped aluminium, requires power, can fail, and can be tampered with in an occluded manner. Who, other than people looking to commit moving

Just commenting on the article picture. I really want a R3X. Tri-motor, short-wheelbase - it looks like it’ll be a hoot. 

You can’t convince me that BaT is not some elaborate money laundering scheme.

Part of the reason that wealth tends to decline over generations is simply the mathematics of reproduction and inheritance. If the rich guy has two kids and each of them has two kids, and the estate is split equally after each dies, after 6 generations (roughly 200 years) the estate has been split 64 ways.

There should be one handle per door, half pull - electronic, full pull mechanical.

Can you imagine the morons who sat there designing this thing and literally thought “how can we better hide this emergency release latch so it can’t be seen at all?”

lmao thins might be the dumbest comment of the year on here.  CT’s have become a MAGA symbol

What could go wrong with Stellantis rushing vehicle production?

Why not both sides?

The reason Musk is supporting Trump is the same reason many of the billionaire-owned newspapers (Bezos’ Washington Post, for example) declined to endorse Harris: Money.

I can’t imagine spending that much time in one.