Needs way more windows to get that kind of cash from my wallet. Like 21 windows or so...
In fact, this one is a Jalopnik winner:
The 200 Turbo of the same vintage is 1000x better car.
News flash: CarMax Employee Doesn’t Want Hummer
I would rather have a New Corolla than a New Prius. And I don’t want a New Corolla. But it’s a far less offensive car. And still gets, what, 40 mpg without breaking a sweat. Why would anyone buy this turd?
The Volt is not an S8. Agreed. But you can totally take a 450 mile road trip in the Volt...anytime you want. The juice will run out, but the engine keeps right on going. There is no loss in power either (ahem...i3). I could drive from Chicago to New York starting tonight if I want.
Also Volt owner here. If anyone shopping for a Prius would just DRIVE A VOLT, they would never buy the Prius. I drove both as ZipCars before buying my Volt and it is absolutely ZERO comparison. Prius is complete garbage.
So people can buy this, or a Volt? I can’t imagine why anyone would pick the Prius.
We need to hear more about this.
I rode home from the hospital in a 1977 Ford Granada Ghia 4-door, and I’m surprised we made it. That car was a horrible turd and all of them should be extinguished from the earth.
I still can’t imagine a reality where I buy this instead of all the other “normal” cars that come in around the same price. There is literally no compelling argument. Even in a city! Parking spaces and roads are sized for normal cars. I suppose there are rare cases where having a shorter car will help in a parallel…
can she please learn how to say POR-SHUH?
I can’t even tell if this is a real story or if you just found a pic online and made it up. Either way, you win.
That’s a tired Volt though. A newer one with reasonable miles will fetch much more. For good reason. That’s way out of GM warranty...including the 8yr/100k mile Voltec warranty. The price is low for a reason. You’re flying without a net. And good luck Tavarishing that one.
That’s really unfortunate. I expect a modern turbo-4 to do much better when exposed to light-footed highway driving. I mean, sure, when you boot it, it’s going to suck gas...but when you’re just cruising, it shouldn’t be that bad. I mean, shit, my 2012 Suburban gets 14 mpg average, and that’s with 2x the displacement…
I literally *just* opened a Shiner Bock. For reals. Before your post. Whoa.