
Bradley sucked balls


No way he wore this voluntarily. He lost a bet

he's been in triple A for maybe 2 games? This season is shot, so it's not like they are going to start that arbitration clock just because

one photo, and it's from Getty?

But we've been calling them n*$%#s for years! Everyone is fine with it!

I work in a soul crushing cubicle and with a few exceptions, my co workers don't really get along. As a result, comment sections have become a key source of human interaction...which means that I'm probably one forum away from taking up residence in a bell tower and high powered rifle.

that joke pops up now with every Redskins article

holy shit, get off Yasiel Puig's nuts. It's just weird now.

Everybody knows that Ghana is a counterattacking side without a legit playmaker. The USA did what they needed to do - scored early and forced Ghana to try and be proactive, getting them out of their game. Be disappointed in the offense but I'm taking some satisfaction in the fact that the US had a smart game plan and

There is nothing the Americans can point to—not their exceptionalism, or heart, or hustle—to explain why they left Arena das Dunas with a victory.

do your sideburns feed off of snark?

waiting for Dan Snyder to appear on these boards in 3...2...1...

I think you have to play the cards you have. OKC would probably have been delighted to have had a few veterans to build around.

I've been thinking for a while that I was the only person who reads Deadspin that isn't really that impressed by dunking. Ugh....father's day hangover and I'm having trouble getting the tenses of that sentence to agree...

yeah, if the security does something that over the top and hurts the guy I would think so. It certainly seems like that level of tackle was unnecessary. On a side note, doesn't exactly take an athlete to level a guy who's pretty much motionless and has his back to you. Also, I hate streakers as well.

Did Janmaat clip Costa's foot or did Costa step/slip on Janmaat as he tried to regain his balance?

I think the conclusion is basically "no"

and the Irish use as well, to differentiate between soccer and Gaelic football.

"Every guy" who asked you on a date? My, you're popular!