It's ok for the Jezebel audience to watch sports? I thought that was terms for immediate shunning.
It's ok for the Jezebel audience to watch sports? I thought that was terms for immediate shunning.
huh, even more reason to not watch the NBA?
wow - I had no idea. I knew that political parties have been active on message boards for a while, but never thought a professional sports team would spend time on something like this.
seeing as Deadspin seems to make it's living off of NHL v. NBA fans these days (and LeBron James getting cramps), maybe you can create a graphic depicting NHL v. NBA series' and how many games out of 7 each respective leagues tournament has gone before deciding on a champion. My gut feeling is that the NHL has much…
holy crap, I thought I was on for a second there
Yasiel Puig is to Deadspin as Tim Tebow is to ESPN. Also, a Yonkers is a young man, and a Baloo is a bear.
so we should add 'Gatorade doesn't cure cramps' to the list of causes that Deadspin supports, along with denouncing hockey fans who hate on basketball, ESPN talks about Johnny Manziel too much, and 'thug is racist'?
LOL! I saw the leg crap picture on ESPN, then came over to Deadspin because I new this NHL v NBA article would be here...which makes Deadspin almost as predictable as ESPN...
*Fat Riley
this one wins
1/2 of what tax revenue? Income tax?
what cracks me up though is the complete ignorance about Pittsburgh. Just look at the number of corporations that are headquartered in the city - US Steel, Alcoa, Westinghouse, EQT, PNC, GNC, Dicks Sporting Goods, American Eagle, etc., etc., it hosts universities like Pitt, CMU and Duquesne, major sports teams, world…
Maybe he thinks that NYers buy vacation property in PA and "fund" PA through property taxes or something, but obviously doesn't understand that property taxes are paid mostly to the municipality or township in which the property is located and then the county? Putting arrogance aside, the noesis is difficult to…
how do you figure that NYC and Philly "fund" Pittsburgh?
you seem like a pretty nice guy. But does my unwillingness to be a cheerleader for cheesesteaks really make me a judgemental asshole?
A comment about shooting for snark or sarcasm followed immediately with snark and sarcasm...
It's their winter, right? I think it's supposed to be pretty pleasant.
I couldn't get past the formatting of the instructions. WHY???
this is brilliant!
They go to Carols at 2:00 am, because it's open until 5!