It was my coveted Cloudveil Shoeller jacket - forget the model name. It was the first jacket they made - I think Serendipity.
It was my coveted Cloudveil Shoeller jacket - forget the model name. It was the first jacket they made - I think Serendipity.
ummm, I think he was calling Nick Foles a giant dick.
The Philly section of Barstoolsports has an entirely different take on it.
queue obligatory Clark the Cub with giant dong memes
hey little girl, never mind a keepsake that you'll cherish for the rest of your life, better throw that Ortiz home run ball back so you can earn the approval of some drunk white trash...
I guess the dangerous thing for the NBA right now is that he has nothing else to lose
so let's hope we aren't watching a tragedy play out?
honestly, and I don't want to be in the camp that defends this guy, but I wouldn't be surprised if the antitrust thing gets some legs. Only the MLB has antitrust exemption, right?
That was right there in the Bill of Rights I think, making sure that the NBA didn't infringe on them
The formula for a Deadspin headline apparently is to state a fact like "Michael Sam is Doing a Reality Show," and then immediately follow that fact with an assertion about how you should feel about that fact, like "And That Sucks."
most storied = not about the actual sporting competition = the OP's point.
that whole east coast / original six bias thing...
Is that a barbed wire tattoo? Of course it is...
Being that this is Jezebel, I think that Team Cat and Team Dog can both agree that the real culprit was the husband
everyone outside of Boston is a Habs fan tonight!
Guess what - the Penguins missed Brooks Orpik
there it is - way to ruin a joke
I had to google 'trebuchet.' Your comment makes complete sense now.