last time I checked the Flyers were just happy to make the playoffs
last time I checked the Flyers were just happy to make the playoffs
The Penguins need at least two veteran, hard hitting defenseman. There's too much focus on the forwards - look at what the Ranger's defense, or the Blue Jackets defense in the previous series, the Bruins defense last year and the Flyers defense every time they play, do to them. I don't think that this series was…
I love that Granat offered to shake the guys hand first, before deftly dodging what looks like a right hookercut?
The Crosby haters don't see to want to mention that Moore skated onto Crosby's stick as they came off the boards, then held onto it with his hands (in front of ref), and so Crosby gave it to him in the nuts.
When did it become acceptable to celebrate the elderly for being d-bags? If Johnny Manziel did this Deadspin would take a week off just to climb upon the highest of high morally superior podiums from which they would proclaim shame upon everyone who watches college football...and I don't even like Johnny Manziel. …
Mark Madden is the biggest, literally and figuratively, piece of shit in Pittsburgh.
this comment is all sorts of terrible
but noticeable by his absence was Chicago's best, most loved, and most important player of the last 30 years.
awesome, you said bro. you mean yet another Philly fan living up to the cliche?
I have no idea why I replied to a Jeremy Roenick that I think of it, I have no idea why reply to any Deadspin articles... *sigh*
did this father just film his 6-year old son crying and post it on the Internet so his son could be ridiculed anonymously? And the father of the year award goes to...anyone but this douche-bag.
You are 100% correct, and yet Deadspin's indoctrinated masses still fail to miss this point.
Even the Boston Globe didn't have much to say about it:
I think you're on to something
ah, you're one of those 'don't come at me bro' types...
Saying 'why don't you run next time' does not merit that kind of roid rage
then why does he do it?
everyone needs to reserve their judgement until the Cardinals tells us about the unwritten rules