e jerry powell

"Too mean to die."

It's the Big Eyes.

I dunno, I kind of liked the PETA edit where they pulled away as Ethan shot the horse.

His comment about how straight Ben is …

There’s a passion and energy to their relationship that just didn’t really seem to be there in the flashbacks we’ve seen of Alice and Christopher. It makes it easy to root for them.

I'm probably the only one who's been rooting against Owen and Amelia. I'm so over everybody in this little group having to be paired off. Christina hadda be with Burke, and when Burke left, she hadda get with Owen, and now Christina's gone, so Owen hadda get with somebody else. Maggie's single and hates it. Meredith

There’s got to be something brewing there.

Fair enough.

Ruck is looking tasty of late.

Oddly enough, I spent a chunk of time researching "duty to warn" law over the past few days. You know, Tarasoff v. University of California, all about medical confidentiality. Here in Texas, there's no legal duty to warn/advise a third party (even in a Tarasoff-like case), and a medical provider can be sued for the

Gotta have something carrot-y for the kiddies to chase, since none of them have a shot in hell at a Harper Avery, right?

I do agree with this much: Goldwyn, why is it that we're supposed to empathize with any of these characters again?

I think what amused me most was that the Jamaica episode was followed by the "Balls Deep" episode at Provincetown Bear Week. Talk about contrast in privilege, rhough; homeless gay teens in Jamaica and conmparatively well-off gay bears summering on the Cape.

So between Six Feet Under, The L Word, and Tell Me You Love Me, we're missing out on a whole lot of Sunday Night Nakedness with this puppy. I'm hoping for a Tim DeKay cameo now. Or Clea Duvall.

Too bad Masters of Sex lost Pebdani, says I.

One confusing point for me: is Annalise still wearing a wig or has she gone for a weave now? I kept seeing her head wrap, which wouldn't really be necessary if she was just taking her wig off every night.

Which makes her a masochist more than anything else.

ABC is the Mickey Mouse Club, though.

Also, by all rights, the dogs would have sensed the earthquake before it hit. No barking after, BEFORE.

Was it just me, or did Theroux turn into Liotta for a minute there?