Was Lawful Good. She's off the ranch now, but I don't really follow the show anymore.
Was Lawful Good. She's off the ranch now, but I don't really follow the show anymore.
And I'm sure Nowalk will be able to pull out even more of it this season. Something had to have happened in the years between the child molestation and marrying Sam.
Voilà une question de goût personnel.
Jake is stupid but easy to look at.
Okay, good for you, but why do I need to know?
Okay, so realistic. They could play five-on-five basketball.
In other news: did anybody come away with a clear sense of just how many people are in the Senate Women's Caucus? I got seven, but with all the changing camera angles, I could be wrong.
… and therefore opening himself up to impeachment …
But then it turnes into a horror film, with Annalise taking them out one at a time, with a final battle between her and Waitlist, who may have gotten a brain by then, but not necessarily. Wes would be very Sanaa Lathan at the end of AVP.
My real question: Annalise clearly isn't dead by season's end, but how the hell does she move forward with such a radical change to the status quo after she recovers in time for season three?
Mark my words: Nia will find a way to die and frame Annalise for it.
Oh, that confrontation between Mellie and Cyrus: could it be any soapier than that? And I think Shonda intended that last five minutes to be an OMG sequence, when it was really just more of Fitz behaving childishly. I am so breaking my foot off up in his ass. If he had really fucked over the Senate Republicans befor…
Well, yelp isn't on tour this year. Also, watching The Daily Show online anywhere yields so many ads from the South African tourism board.
“I’m gonna show this prick how we do things in Boise.”
What with living out in the woods …
It's a ShondaLand show. Nothing has to make sense to anybody. :-)
Which means that Frank was more a plot device than a character. My call of shenanigans stands.
In other news, regarding the opening part of this review: isn't Annalise's entire existence about eliminating/negating the consequences of murder, in a sense?
As far as the attack goes, I think there's all manner of red herrings to be had. Throw Bonnie into the mix, too, as she's a strong contender. This is probably going to be another one of those situations where most of the people involved are mostly complicit but not directly guilty.
Viola Davis’s eyeshadow throughout this episode is on-point.