e jerry powell

Nothing that out front, though. The crisis of season one was resolved in season two without the whole Defiance plot being made public. The Remington problem of season three was erased TWICE, once by Big Jerry and then got buried again through most of the drama just before Maya's return from her fun little trip

LYNN MOTHERFUCKING WHITFIELD, BITCHES. From Eve's Bayou to sending Michaela back to the bayou.

Since Mellie is the lynchpin for everything that Lizzie and Andrew hope to accomplish (not least of which is getting Fitz out of office, I suspect)…


My takeaway was that Alison's recall began, at least partly, later in the day, perhaps, since Oscar had seen Noah over at Phoebe's house before Athena called and Alison left for the care facility. Reconciling what happened after that is the difficulty, because that means that the session with the dress we saw Alison

A thought:
Rowan Pope is Big Bad. We accept that.

In the bigger picture, offing Mellie might be a problem. Lizzie he can bring down without so much trouble, particularly since the head of the RNC is outranked by the sitting Republican president, and Cyrus wouldn't have much to do if Fitz were to become aware that he's being undermined by Lizzie pulling Mellie's

Are our tax dollars paying for 24-hour childcare?

Connor and his excessively gratuitous gay sex. There was absolutely NO NEED for that scene (and I like gratuitous gay sex, especially when I'm involved). It was just pointless and proved nothing that we didn't already know, nor did it further the action in any way.

We could go there, too.

Also notable: The detective in Noah’s version is divorced and doesn’t see his kids often, but in Alison’s version he’s happily married for 25 years.

And this is me, jealous as fuck.

Those pleasant moments weren't hew most vulnerable, though, were they?

Rationalization makes those people any less dead somehow?

… or if it will be going after the 15 episodes Viola Davis contracted for.

Now here's where things stand with the whole Catherine situation:

She’s not only in love with being right, she’s in love with the idea of being able to sense who and what is right, and that romantic notion blinds her to the havoc she creates when she’s wrong. It’s clearly the right time for Olivia to be grappling with these ideas…

Michael isn't even a target, though. He's just Lizzie's pawn. Cyrus will find a way to use Michael to get back at Lizzie before Michael is disposed of. Which will probably be almost as sad as Cyrus losing James. It'll certainly illuminate that blind spot, though.

By the way, Fitz:
Jake is a murderer?

I don't think Papa Pope gives a shit about Cyrus's problems, but if Charlie is still in play somehow…