
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you have little to no real world experience. You’re actually being incredibly racist haha. Why do you assume I think you’re going to hurt me because I’m white? And to use your analogy this isn’t you handing me a controller to play Mario kart. This is me asking for the

History shapes reality. It just does. You can’t cut it off at a convenient point. For one thing, black people are still, on average, in a much worse position in our society economically, and that comes directly from the history of them being brought here as slaves, and then the hundred years of Jim Crow after.

Would you rather try to change people to become the same or would you rather try to change people to be more accepting of others? Looking at someone else and saying “you know, we are both the same” doesn’t just mean skin color, it means CULTURE. Culture isn’t just race, it isn’t just your heritage, it isn’t just the

See, your logic would actually make a LOT of sense in a vacuum, without factoring in our history as humans and honestly as Americans.

I’m not going to jump on you like Ka Mai, but he’s right. A lot of peole, especially white people like myself, are known to say things like “I don’t see race”, or “we shouldn’t see race”. However it’s been my experience that most people of other races are not onboard with this idea, nor should they be.

Only difference is that those were inconsequential upgrades that either change the experience without changing the hardware dramatically, or were only supported by a handful of ‘exclusives’ for that change.

Except those gimmicks are what has made them a great deal of money and at considerably lower risk. What does ‘too much’ indicate? If you’re asking for Nintendo to basically just build a console like Sony and Microsoft and compete directly with them...they’re not interested in doing so and haven’t been for a long

Nothing wrong with speaking your mind. You know what my point was.

“9 mum’s cannot shorten the development time of a fetish”

I’m not totally sure that that’s true. XD

I mean, Nintendo still makes great games with it’s properties and Sega hasn’t made a great Sonic game in years.

Depends on the moms, I’d think, and on the person developing the fetish...

So people are using other people’s stuff, and then blame the owner when the owner goes after them.

Cut away all the bullshit and you realize this is how it simply is. This is what happens when you let people take an inch - they will take a mile, guaranteed. And people wonder why Nintendo won’t budge a single inch.

Sony being a publisher, yeah, I can see the argument for putting some of the onus on them for PR/marketing tactics. You’d think at the least they could’ve sent someone over to Hello Games who could say, “Dude, look, we’re all jazzed for this thing, but perhaps telling fans ‘the exploration will be boundless; you’ll be

These are the kinds of things that are out there, that Nintendo is pulling from, its deep history in gaming and most don’t even know it. Things like the DS came out first as Game/Watch. Things like NX apparently came first with the micro VS. Nintendo isn’t just rehashing so much as they’re exploring the ideas they’ve

Claiming the Wii had no games discredits you. It had a number of games. If you couldn’t find something to play on the Wii, it was your own damned fault.

Of this helps fund actual good feature AAA Nintendo games, by all means, Ninty, MILK THE FUCK out of it.

It is absolutely good enough to maintain its position all these years.