Awwww, did his master’s not give him their seal of approval? Or maybe he realised that regardless of what he says, he’ll never be seen as truly white.
Awwww, did his master’s not give him their seal of approval? Or maybe he realised that regardless of what he says, he’ll never be seen as truly white.
This is just another example of that”almost white” behaviour.
It’s a real shame about ZombiU cos i think its one of the best survival horror games in recent years mostly because of the gamepad implementation. It just wasn’t the same game on the Xbox/ps4 and a true testament to the kind of gameplay that’s only possible on the WiiU.
Maybe that’ll be the original story dlc:)
I ate 10.
Yeah. But this is a feature story about the Nintendo Switch. You DO realise that right?
So who, in your opinion, is Nintendo competing against?
And ps4 runs off an AMD CPU and Radeon based GPU. What’s your point?
How exactly is Sony and Microsoft “good” at hardware? Are we talking design? Because as far as I’m concerned, it’s only ever about who has more RAM, better GPU, Clock-speed etc. I don’t really see the creativity in that kind of “good” hardware.
Then just say so. Simple and plain. No bush beating.
The Xbox 360 had a 54 percent failure rate from launch up until it got a semi-revision. That’s about 6 in every 10 consoles.
And what is “necessary” hardware? A ps4, Xbox one or PC? Hardware can only ever be a necessity if it houses the games you want to play. So in other words, you do want Nintendo to go 3rd party.
I don’t think it’s anywhere near pushing the Switch. It seems like a basic port that benefitted from better hardware. Of course, I’m not claiming any inside knowledge. Just my opinion seeing as it usually takes a few years for hardware power and know-how to sync.
I haven’t got any technical knowledge but I believe the issues stem from this being essentially a WiiU port and not built from the ground up for Switch.
It’s just crazy. I’m a Nintendo fan just as much as the next guy and I’ve been playing games since the “80's” too (First console was a Sega Master system) and as much as I’d like Nintendo to “rule the world”, the reality is what it is. Whatever decisions they make regarding their consoles hasn’t stopped them from…
Ah, so you’re their conscience. The voice of reason. The one who knows what they need to do in order to get back on top.
Ah, I see you’re here trolling too. If you don’t like Nintendo, why do you take so much time to read and comment on Nintendo related stuff?
Yeah, like it was ever anything other than a “pass” for you.
It really depends on what sorts of games you enjoy. I’ve got about every console under the sun and I wouldn’t consider any of them must-haves.
You can use pro controllers undocked as it connects to the console, which is the unit you hold as a portable anyway.