I still think Mariah Carey is one of the most amazingly gifted singers of this generation...Old Mariah; not this one I hardly recognise.
I still think Mariah Carey is one of the most amazingly gifted singers of this generation...Old Mariah; not this one I hardly recognise.
Correction: Adele CANNOT put on a fancy or dancers to put on a good show.
What would be even stranger would be Nintendo making these announcements and people not immediately picking up their pitchforks and torches.
Let’s light a torch and burn Nintendo down cos they’re doing the exact same thing that everyone does but with the chance that the dlc might actually be worth it.
The WiiU has the best internet browser bar-none. The rest of ‘em, save for the Vita, are just plain useless.
No. Don’t sum it up cos no one asked you to.
Totally agree. Basically, a Nintendo home console with 3DS levels of developer support. Would be awesome.
OK. Thanks for clarifying. It may very well be as you say. I think what will widen the gap between the switch and ps4/Xbox will be the ps4 pro and Scorpio. The developers of Ori & the blind forest recently revealed that the Scorpio is a full fledged next gen system so that’s something to consider. But if Sony & MS are…
Have you read the recent Aonuma interview? Basically he confirmed that BOTW was a quick WiiU to Switch port with very little optimisation. He discussed how they had to drop features on both platforms for the sake of parity. BOTW was not built from the ground up for Switch.
Where’s all the people and press that jumped on Nate Parker?! Where’s all the feminists at?!
“...weak handheld...lackluster specs...”
Again with this “Underproducing” “Fake demand” talk.
Maybe it’s because shops usually have a finite amount of units and generally sell on a first come, first served basis?! And coming back later could result in “Out of stock” “Sold Out”?
2 men are in jail.
I agree on Capcom wanting the largest install base. I mean, who doesn’t.
Hey Stephen, I do believe that the Switch is the 3DS and WiiU’s successor but... It’s entirely dependent on the Switch’s adoption rate. Nintendo have to play this game very carefully just like they did with the GBA advance/NDS transition.
UbiSoft is in no way shape or form Nintendo.
I think you are going to see a monster hunter HD game on the switch and based on the sale of that, Capcom will decide if the next installation will be a switch exclusive. I don’t think this will happen for another 2 years but if the Switch it as successful as Nintendo hope, there’s really no need to create a successor…
If you believe that this is the successor to the 3DS then it only makes sense to assume that the developers that made the 3DS a success will continue those endeavours with the Switch.
Your last point is completely untrue. Relying on internal Dev and smaller 3rd party Devs was NOT their strategy on the WiiU. But that’s how it turned out. Remember the WiiU was getting ports and the like at the initial stages of it’s life. Eventually, it was abandoned because 3rd parties couldn’t understand why their…