
What company doesn’t have “big rotten eggs”? And what company doesn’t utilise “ media manipulation “ to it’s advantage? Nobody wants bad press unless there’s something to be gained by it.

A cat doesn’t BELONG in water. A dog doesn’t BELONG on a tree. These are facts that are unchangeable. If konami decide that they could make money on a WiiU port, then they’ll do it. But nothing can change the situation for the cat or dog :)

I think Nintendo have softened up a bit. After all, they funded Bayonetta 2 and that game is very “mature”.

Doesn’t belong? What does that even mean?! It’s not on there because Konami decided it wasn’t a viable option. Simple.

Yeah, such a terrible company that their president and senior staff would rather take pay cuts when the going gets tough, rather than selling off assets or laying people off. So terrible, that the president takes/took it upon himself to deliver updates and news DIRECTLY to fans; with a lot of humour I might add. The

The internet has brought everyone closer together and unfortunately, there’s no way to filter whiny shits from your internet experience. No one seems to be complaining about the spyro or Disney infinity games; granted their toys to life are more about extra characters to play as but still- wanna play as Anakin? You

You sir, are spot on! Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Man, reviews can be very polarising and ultimately, the reviewers personal opinion.

That says nothing about the WiiU’s capabilities and more about the dev team's.

I don’t know about Famitsu’s reputation in regards to reviews but if they gave Nintendog’s a perfect score, I totally understand why. That game/pet sim did things that just wasn’t possible on any other system and even though the variety was a bit limited, the touch screen interaction, voice commands and attention to

What’s with all the complaints about the WiiU “lack of space”?! The irony is that most if not all the people complaining also say they don’t buy digital big game releases so I don’t understand what all the hullabaloo is about. If you only buy physical, then a 80-120gb hard drive will be more than enough; and these are

Yeah because a 160-250gb hard drive is soooo expensive. You do know that you can slap a 32gb USB stick in it right? Any excuse to moan....smh

I love ZombiU. Such a great game. Certainly one of the best, if not the best, true survival horror games of this gen. The gamepad use was/is one of the most intuitive I’ve seen yet on the WiiU and shows what can be done if you just try a little. I’m just surprised that it wasn’t heavily copied or used as a point of

Wow! Nintendo have really got it right with Splatoon. Not that I’m a fan but I’m sure lots of people out there would appreciate a “Team Edward” vs “Team Jacob” scenario... And maybe throw in “Team: Death to all” for people like me :)

You know what would be awesome... If game devs would just shelf their allegiances and create levels for people to play cos I can bet that everyone in Sony and Microsoft’s camp are going to buy this game. How cool would it be to have devs from all the best studios flexing their creative muscles...simply to have fun and

What has that got to do with anything? The man’s just appreciating a bit of Nintendo magic.

You are why articles like this exist. Probably didn’t read the whole thing...

Yeah and I think that’s even more obvious when the story has been debunked but it’s not been taken down.

OK. So you guys are quick to report how badly (or not) Devil’s third is selling in Japan but made no mention that Animal crossing: happy home designer sold more than 500 thousand copies in it’s first week. And you wonder why some readers accuse this site of bias.

I was sorely disappointed with that. All that attention to detail and not enough power left for reflections. That just seems like a serious oversight. I remember noticing it the first time and wondering if there was a vampire twist going on; only to be disappointed to find out that it was a technical limitation.