
Anyone can come up with an "out of this world" that reeks of ingenuity. But it takes a real genius to come up with a FEASIBLE great idea and make it work. Peter Molyneux is a fraud.

Peter Molyneux is the most over rated person in videogame history. How many chances is he going to get? How many times is he going to get away with blatantly lying about his projects? It's high time he was put in his place and forgotten about. Move on.

Wow! Your ignorance is something to behold. So fresh, so pure...

No disrespect but I think your comment is baseless. How many RPG's started out on other consoles and migrated? As time goes by, acquisitions happen and sales usually determine what platform gets supported. And to say the vita sales are bombing would be an understatement.

No disrespect but I think your comment is baseless. How many RPG's started out on other consoles and migrated? As time goes by, acquisitions happen and sales usually determine what platform gets supported. And to say the vita sales are bombing would be an understatement.

On another note, there's just been a boat load of info and videos for Xenoblade WiiU released? Where's the coverage?!

My Duke nukem forever example still stands. Just replace Super metroid with other Duke nukem games from the past and you'll begin to see what I mean. It's the same reason people won't say Final fantasy lightning series is the best of the bunch because of better hardware. They'd most likely vote for a much older, well

Most RPG's from Gust, Atlus, Nippon ichi, NIS et al, fall into that 40-60hr gameplay. Oh and lets not forget the recent Final fantasy series as well.

yeah, I understand it but it's a pretty pointless point of view (pun intended) cos we could spend the whole day talking about games that could have benefitted from more current hardware; then we'd just have to conclude that nothing tops the PC and on and on...

I but COD for the campaign only cos I suck at online multiplayer :) Granted, I never buy it day one but my interest is solely for the single player. And there are tons of 30-50hr rpg's out there too (the Tales series is one them). Xenoblade is just not one of them. It's more of a once in console generation type of RPG

There are tons of 4-8hr games out there to play. If you're not not online multiplay, them COD and most fps' fall in that 4-8hr gameplay.

Any game ever made on a console was made within the confines of the said console. I don't understand what this has to do with anything.

so they include raid mode, an "optional" part of the game and they decide to charge you to respawn/continue? Imagine if Mario kart, Fifa or any other game with some "optional" online/multiplayer element charged you to respawn/continue? What they should have done is have 5 more chapters to lengthen the game, include

Those petitions worked in the past but seeing as there's a SKU available as opposed to nothing at all, I dont think the sales of the XL versus the people's demand for the regular size will be favourable to the latter. But you never know, maybe Nintendo are just stalling and just waiting for such a reaction.

In my experience, people usually want what they cannot have. It's always been and always will be. Why? Tell 'em that it's human nature.

Congratulations! You just made a fool of yourself!

unfortunately, this is the world we live in. This sense of entitlement is a genuine plague. Anyone who's worked in retail/customer service knows just how difficult it can get. All it takes is one selfish, inconsiderate asshole to make you regret your career choice. It's such a shame but it's all too common. You have a

i think for Amiibo's, you really have to buy invested in them to appreciated what they do. You could either buy them because they are iconic Nintendo characters that would cost a ton more if they were proper figurines, or you could buy them for the potential they have for future use.

Chunli's thighs are wayyy too thick. Makes her bottom half look like a Minotaur's! :)

This really speaks to the state of the industry. While I understand that it's impossible to test a software 100%, taking advantage of the ability to patch software is taking an ugly turn. I bet if this was back in the day when online/internet wasn't available, they'd rigorously test their software before release