
I think the situation with the hinges is a bit dicey in that a large portion of 3DS customers are probably kids and as you may or may not know, kids are not very delicate when they handles things. And if they are met with resistance, it usually results in something breaking (kids don't like resistance). So if I had to

you are "sure" you won't like something you haven't gone hands on with? Wow! You must be a Time Lord as you're able to make a statement and pass judgement on something you haven't a clue about how it feels when in use. Ever heard the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover"?

OK I get it. You were only speculating, which means your reasoning was devoid of any actual facts or evidence. Glad you cleared that up. So...troll?? Yeah, I'll settle for troll:)

It's kinda hard to tell if you're actually being serious or trolling. On one hand, you commend them for their work, then you worry about them and finally you conclude by insinuating that they are irrelevant. The WiiU isn't doing so great but from what I know, none of the other two(Sony/Microsoft) have billions of

It's good to know that this port was handled well with a few improvements to boot. Although it goes without saying that Bayo performing badly on ps3 says nothing about the power of the ps3 as evidenced by games such as Uncharted/TLOU.

In terms of videogames, I think future-proof can be interpreted differently. I mean, if you're talking about powerful hardware in terms of CPU/GPU, then yeah, Nintendo has taken a different approach. And it's so difficult to future-proof hardware these days with advancements in computer tech happening so quickly. So

I understand what you mean but I don't agree; otherwise we'd have to say the same for every other hardware revision ever made (ps3 phat-slim-super slim, psp-psp slim, vita phat-vita slim etc). As the cost of producing hardware drops and more compact parts become available, it's a normal trend to revise the design,

do you mean the translucent 2ds or translucent handhelds in general?

I had this on preorder since 2013. Hopefully, there'll be some marked improvements (sans graphics) to make this worthwhile. The situation with 3rd parties (EA, Capcom, UbiSoft etc) is just ridiculous. I'm at the point where I just don't care anymore. They don't want to release their games on WiiU? Fine. Don't. The one

i don't think you understand "ideology" as I've used it in my comment. For example, the N64 was a 64bit machine, GameCube is self explanatory and the Wii signified the bringing together of different types of people. What company doesn't make different iterations of popular franchises? And I'd bet that there is more

i totally disagree with that. Apart from the WiiU which caused a lot of confusion with the Wii, I'd say Nintendo have been good with their console names. Instead of just adding number increments(1,2,3 etc), they've actually bothered to think up a name that fits the ideology of their consoles. Nes-Super

l really applaud the concept and scope of this game but at the same time, i can't shake this feeling that a lot of people are going to be massively disappointed. Cautiously optimistic is the way to go I think.