
Clair gives me murder wood.

Serious question: was the motorboat joke the first time the show recognised the fact of her boobs? It feels like they've sort of sidestepped…let's say the elephant in the room.

"For certain shows, one of our TV writers will publish some brief
thoughts about the latest episode, and open the comments for readers to
share theirs."

Marry me!

We're now at the point in the show where the characters fake a fundraiser for a dying kid for their own gain, and that's just fine? These characters are more horrible than on 'Always Sunny', and yet they somehow still think it's cute.

Did anyone notice how Thandie Newton just grabbed that girl by the pussy? She didn't even ask.


Not really. Though the poem is based on 'Catullus 5', it is actually a poem by the 17th-century English poet Richard Crashaw, called 'Out of Catullus':

Soundtrack report? Seriously? Did you not hear that the choir was singing "Down in the River to Pray"? I sentence you to watch O Brother, Where Art Thou? again (and yeah, you got off easy).

Alex has officially gone full Meg.

I like how, when Drogo 2.0 tries to rip Dragon Lady's top of, she says, in that weird language, Sorry, you can't do that, I have a new no-boob contract this season.

Well, that's two very good reasons for watching the show.

What about new Thrifty Town associate manager Amantha Holden's nemesis, Bubblegum, or whatever her name was? I suspect we haven't seen the last of her.

"So as Peele tells the story…this is something he and Peele
have had to deal with all their lives…"

Detective 1: OK partner, today we're gonna take a SWAT-team and raid a perfectly legitimate business because I'm worried about my sister.

"We live in a society!"

So where is Fortitude? I realize it's nowhere land, but bear with me. It's filmed in Iceland, but it's not Iceland. It's an isolated arctic community. It's Norwegian, but with an international population. There's a coal mine, with a strong Russian presence. it has an English name.

This is where you look at your bottle of hard liquor and go: "Well, I guess I do have one nice thing."

He had the Spanish flu-ency as a child, but he got over it. Now he's built up resistance to it, so he will probably never get it again.

Hey, Jenny. How's it hangin'? A lot of people want you to go away forever, but I
just wanna marry you, okay? We should do a reality show together, whaddya
think? Hey, Jenny, I'm not joking around, okay? This is the real thing, I mean this could be huge! All right, well, think about it. Say hi to your mother for me,