Alanis: In the lead text it says drive “of” a boat ramp...
Pretty much every rental car on account of garbage hypermile tires.
Yeah I mean... I guess we just draw the line in different spots m8. To me a cone filter is the same as an aftermarket head unit or tinted windows or a USB 12v adapter in place of the cigarette lighter. Who cares? But to you... you care. So it’s modded.
The stock airbox is huge and cumbersome. If you’re not a technical person but own an Evo putting a new filter on is a thing to do. Why do anything though?
You’re arguing that it’s modded and thus ruined or not worth $23k. I’m just trying to tell you that on these cars, the presence of a cone filter doesn’t indicate…
Oh niiice! I’m a 6 speed guy and like my ACD. It’d be nice to get the ACD tuned one day... if that’s even still a thing. Ugh... I need a garage.
I really like the 9. It’s a solid performer in nearly every category. I think it’s luxurious for it’s “era” but also it’s SUPER luxurious relative to older Evos. Once they hit peak homologation on the 3, they moved into peak racecar with the 6. The 6.5 was the top of the hill though and Evos began getting soft. The 9…
nvm. Found it in spam.
I fit this category. I had an $800+ erroneous charge on the card. I haven’t received any communication from them. I suppose it’s possible it’s from elsewhere, but... this fits I guess.
AND, I’m convinced that it isn’t “de-modded” because one of the first things you’d do is change out the pointlessly complex intercooler pipes, and to do that you need to go to the mini-battery, which this car clearly doesn’t have. It seems excessive to go mod it, go mini battery, de-mod it, and swap BACK to a real…
That’s not CAI, it’s just a filter with a removed airbox and that works fine without a tune.
As an Evo person (and current 9MR owner) for a stock variant, this one is fine. Being out and a daily I think puts it a bit high, but NYC has it’s own bubble with everything. I’ll say this. No one but idiots like me (that is, people who truly love the Evo) really wants one. Mitsubishi found this out. Subaru got by…
$250 Billion divided by 125,000 is $2 Million. In case anyone was wondering.
They taxi using lift from their main rotor (specifically cyclic) in wheeled helos. In skid helos they’ll hover taxi.
The tailwheel maybe hit something, but there’s also a tailwheel lock on most tailwheel equipped aircraft (I’m not typed or familiar with this helo at all tho). With the lock locked it just prevents it…
Are we surprised that people can’t use technology? I made the argument previously that I don’t want someone running our country that needs their child/neighbor/youth analog to come and set their VCR clock. BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE A VCR!
Haha... if you’re actually in NC I want to try and form a go kart racing team or something. Or like talk me into buying this... or lets find a V12 for my lawnmower or something.
Came here to say Volvo 240 because blockchain. Torch (who still won’t be friends with me) said 262. I hate the 262, but I’ll allow it.
I use to put a roll of blue painters tape (I learned this completely by accident) on my dash when I had my vic and they peeled away like clockwork.