

"Truthfully, I've never loved any of D'Angelo's albums"

So then Sagan's statement was a trivial definition of "cosmos"?

You've never heard of him for a reason. He is not an important figure in science.

I suspect the reason they chose Bruno over Galileo or Copernicus is because he was actually killed by the church. The show is thus more concerned about demonizing the church than actually educating.

Just because the inquisition burned Bruno at the stake doesn't mean it needs to be in the show as a lengthy animated segment. It isn't relevant to the show at all. Carl Sagan would have NEVER done something like that.

Depicting christians as being cartoonishly evil will inspire youth to become scientists?

shut up americans r fat and dumb! /s

ooh so brave, so edgy.

The last two tracks are schlock

Most musicians use an audio editor of some sort. It isn't that weird.

Burial is (or was) uk garage not dubstep.