Has any president elect or president ever sued a civilian. It seems like an abuse of power but not sure if its illegal. I have a feeling Melania if she becomes First Lady will spend her eight years suing every newpaper, magazine or blogger if she does not like what they wrote.
Yup we are regressing.
That comment was dripping with sarcasm.
Yes but he is going for rehab. Where? Where all celebrities go for rehab. Lochte, Paula Deen, Tom Delay its called Dancing With The Stars or Celebrity Rehab Through Dance. http://pagesix.com/2016/10/13/dancing-with-the-stars-courting-billy-bush/
NBC has a wealth of male talent on MSNBC and CNBC to chose from. Not sure why they picked Bush to begin with and not a news person. Simple solution pick Steve Kornacki and be done with it. Kornacki had his own show, why was it cancelled anyways. He would be perfect fit with Tamran Hall.
I really love Ana. Yes she s a republican but she seems to have integrity and intelligence. I hope after the election CNN keeps her. They need to fire Corey, Scottie and Stone.
Good lord we are going to need more Secret Service members to handle all these deplorables once she is elected.
Have you ever met a racist, xenophobe etc who likes to be called that? No. No racist alive admits being a racist why would they call themselves deplorable. They sling mud while insisting their hands are as clean and sterile as a doctor presurgery.
I wish you could expand your column to include Globe and National Enquirer. Globe often has international stories re royal family
I wish China would do something about him. One day his rockets will miss the sea and hit a ship or land killing people amd maybe sending region into war. Not sure how long China can keep him leashed but one day they need to take him out.
Poor Harry his dreams of becoming King Henry IX are fading even more rapidly.
Does this mean that Cosby can now be charged with rape because limitations are over or is this just for cases that have not yet reached the ten year mark?
I would have to say Fox’s modern take on King Arthur is dumber. With Art being a street artist. I wrote about it yesterday on Groupthink. http://groupthink.kinja.com/fox-is-moderni…
The sad part is many people are accepting this garbage as if poops were steaks in their eyes.
Why is this on groupthink? Its an obvious ad. What the hell is kinjadeals?
Why is this on groupthink? Its an obvious ad. What the hell is kinjadeals?
I posted about him being on dwts on groupthink last night. I really wish Molly Ivins was still alive, she would have loved this. Hopefully Governor Goodhair will be the second one gone after Lochte.